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Peer Review Mission in Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, Dushanbe, Tajikistan

On December 20-21, 2021 Avicenna Tajik State Medical University underwent a Peer Review Mission as part of Erasmus KA2 project “Setting peer review instruments and goals for medical (health) education (SPRING4MED)”. The purpose of the visit was to train the University staff for the participation in international accreditation procedures.

The experts were represented by professors and associate professors from among the staff of the universities participating in the consortium of universities in the project, namely:

  1. Maka Advadze, PhD, Dean of Faculty of Medicine SEU, Georgia – Chair of the Peer Review Team
  2. Olga Iurco, Head of Internal Audit Department, USMF, Moldova
  3. Prof. Vilma Žaltauskė, PhD, Vice Head of Study Center, Lithuania
  4. Prof. Alexandrina Vodenicharova, PhD, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, Medical University- Sofia, Bulgaria

Prof. Maka Advadze, PhD

Prof. Olga Iurco, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Vilma Žaltauskė, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Alexandrina Vodenicharova, PhD

The Google Classroom platform was offered for conducting the online Meetings during the Peer Review Mission in Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, Dushanbe, Tajikistan. A strict schedule included meetings with the Rector and Vice Rectors of the University; Meeting with the project ERASMUS + project SPRING team and members of Self Evaluation Report preparation group; Meeting with students; Meeting with the Alumni representatives; Meeting with the Deans and members of Senate. At the end of the day briefed discussion between the Peer Review Team was conducted to summaries the strengths and weaknesses, also to share the experience and compare to the different EU and out EU standards and practices.

Meeting with the Rector, Vice-Rectors and The Review Team

Meeting with SPRING team and members of SER preparation group

Meeting with SPRING team and members of SER preparation group

On the 21st of December the program followed was: Meeting with the academic staff, teachers, clinical structures and other relevant teaching departments; Meeting with social partners and representatives of the health care and public sector; Meeting with the members of the Study Program Committees and at the end Debriefing and a feedback session.

Meeting with the students

Meeting with the Alumni

It was marked, that the University have presented Self-Evaluation Report in time, in accordance with the requirements of the 12 standards developed by the project members from the Faculty of Public Health, Medical University- Sofia, Bulgaria and the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania.

Despite the overall appreciation and positive impression of the University, according to the existing requirements, the experts also needed to provide recommendations for improvement. 

The conclusion by the expert commission will be presented in written report, as required by the principles of the international accreditation procedure.

During the interviews, the experts not only assessed the University in terms of compliance with the WFME criteria, but also shared their own experience of such activities in their universities and countries, positive developments, and expressed confidence that in the future, after the completion of the project, cooperation in the academic, scientific, and professional spheres between our partner universities will continue.

Prof. Antoniya Yanakieva, PhD

Coordinator SPRING 4 MED Project

Faculty of Public Health “Prof. Tzecomir Vodenitcharov, MD, DSc.”


e-mail:  press@foz.mu-sofia.bg


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