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Head of department

Проф. Антония Янакиева, дм

Prof. Antonia Yanakieva, dm


The Department of Health Technology Assessment was established in 2014. 

The mission of the Department of Health Technology Assessment is to promote and disseminate OST as a multidisciplinary approach

The main goal of the Department of "Assessment of Health Technologies" is, through the creation, validation and development of a teaching-teaching and scientific-practical base, to disseminate and acquaint the largest possible number of specialists from various medical and non-medical fields with the basics of OST , their application in various spheres of health care, their role for successful and effective management of the main processes and provision of data supported by quality evidence for building an effective health policy. 

To achieve the department's mission and goals, its associates work in the following main directions.

  1. Educational activity.
  2. Preparation of OST training programs in methodological and practical terms
  3. Development of programs for SDO
  4. Development of programs for freely optional disciplines
  5. Development of programs for author's courses on OST
  6. Development and introduction of distance learning in the field
  7. Liaison with leading international specialists in the field of OST for providing methodological assistance in the introduction of OST training and delivery of lecture courses in FOZ.

As a result of these efforts, since 2015, courses in the Bachelor's and Master's programs of the specialty "Public Health and Health Management" have been started in:

  1. "Evidence-Based Medicine"
  2. "Introduction to OST"
  3. "Principles and methods of OST"
  4. "Analytical Modeling"

Planned courses for postgraduate training of masters, bachelors and specialists with medical and non-medical education in:

  1. "Evidence-Based Medicine"
  2. "Critical analysis and evaluation of scientific medical publications"
  3. "Introduction to OST"

Scientific research and practical activity.

The research activity of the Department of "Assessment of Health Technologies" is aimed at:

  • performing a comparative analysis of existing models for OST
  • development of methodical approaches for application of existing models for OST in our country
  • development of a model for carrying out OST, adapted to the Bulgarian conditions.

Associates of the faculty, together with teachers of the Faculty of Pharmacy, take an active part in an international project under "Erasmus+" for the preparation, development and approval of an international master's program in OST.

The Department of "Assessment of Health Technologies" implemented a project to join MU-Sofia to the electronic data collection platform REDCap. This is an outstanding opportunity to build the infrastructure to create registries and databases to conduct epidemiological studies needed in the OST process. With the successful completion of the project, MU-Sofia became the only higher education institution in Bulgaria a member of the international REDCap consortium.

Composition of the department

Проф. д.н. Мариела Деливерска, доктор по право

Prof. Ph.D. Mariela Deliverska, Doctor of Law


Доц. д-р Борислав Борисов, дмн

Associate Professor Borislav Borisov, Ph.D


Доц. инж. д-р Стефан Великов

Prof. Dr. Stefan Velikov


Гл. ас. д-р Николета Левенти, дм

Ch. assistant Dr. Nicoleta Leventi, MD


Гл. ас. Светлин Георгиев, дм

Ch. assistant Svetlin Georgiev, dm


Aс. д-р Стаматиос Прифтис

As. Dr. Stamatios Priftis


Ас. Кремена Иванова

As. Kremena Ivanova





City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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