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Проф. Цветелина Милчева Петрова-Готова, дм

Prof. Tsvetelina Milcheva Petrova-Gotova, dm



Born in Sofia. In 2002, he graduated from the University of National and World Economy - Sofia, Master of Economics "International Economic Relations". In 2006, he acquired a specialty in "Healthcare Economics" at the Medical University - Sofia, in 2010 - a master's degree in Public Health and Health Management at the same university. In June 2009, he successfully defended his dissertation on "Approaches to optimizing the financing of primary outpatient medical care in our country" and obtained the scientific and educational degree "doctor" in the scientific specialty "Social medicine and organization of health care and pharmacy". From January 2022, she is enrolled in the "Medical Informatics and Health Management" specialty.

From 2001 to 2008, he worked as an expert at the National Statistical Institute and organized and coordinated the holding of seminars, international meetings and other events with international participation in the country and abroad, as well as cooperation activities with the statistical office of the European Union (Eurostat ). In 2002, after winning a competition, he started working as an assistant in the Department of Health Care Economics at the Faculty of Public Health of the Medical University - Sofia. Since 2006, she has been a senior assistant at the Department, and since 2011 she has been promoted to senior assistant. In April 2014, after a successful competition, he held the academic position of "associate professor", and from February 2021 he was a professor in the same Department.

Membership in organizations:

Prof. Tsvetelina Petrova-Gotova, dm is Deputy. president of the National Association for Health Policy and Management.

He is a member of: the Bulgarian Scientific Society for Public Health, the General Assembly of the Medical University - Sofia, the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University - Sofia and the State Examination Commission for the specialty "Health Care Economics".

He is the chairman of the Commission for Control over the Quality of Education at the Higher Education Institution "prof. Dr. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, MD" at the Sofia University.

Publications and scientific interests:

Prof. Tsvetelina Petrova-Gotova's scientific interests are in the following areas: health care economics; public health; socioeconomic issues in health care; health management; financial management in health care, investments in health care, models of financing health systems.

He is the author of over 110 scientific publications in Bulgarian and international publications in the field of public health, health economics and the problems of primary outpatient medical care. He is a co-author of 5 monographs - "Guide to Health Economics", "Guide to Financial Management in Health Care", "Methodological Approaches for Economic Evaluation of Health Programs", "Introduction to Economic Knowledge" and "Health Economics". There are over 170 positive citations. Participates in the development of scientific projects. He is also a participant in a number of international and national scientific congresses and conferences.

Conducts lectures and seminars for Bachelor and Master students of the Academy of Medical Sciences from the majors "Public Health and Health Management", "Health Care Management", "Strategic Management of Pharmaceutical Activity" in the disciplines "Health Care Economics", "Introduction in Economic Knowledge', 'Health Systems Financing Models', 'Accounting and Control', 'Finance and Investments - Financial Analysis and Management Control' and 'Financial Management in Health Care' and to majors in Health Economics.

Provides scientific guidance to graduates and doctoral students.




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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