e-mail: r.yaneva@foz.mu-sofia.bg
Graduate of the Faculty of Public Health "Prof. Dr. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, MD" at the Medical University - Sofia. Bachelor of Health Care, Master of Public Health and Health Management. In 2007, he acquired the educational and scientific degree "doctor" in the scientific specialty "Social medicine and organization of health care and pharmacy" based on a defended dissertation on the topic "System for the evaluation of hospital products in the treatment of hospitalized patients in the Tsaritsa Joanna University Medical Center". - EAD". Since 2008, after a competition, he has held the title of "assistant" in the "Economics of Health Care" department, since 2009 - chief assistant, and since 2014 - associate professor. Since 2013, he has acquired the specialty "Economics of Health Care", and from 2023 a second specialty "Legal Regulation in Health Care". He is currently specializing in "Medical Informatics and Health Management". Main directions of scientific interests: in the field of health care economics, hospital microeconomics, hospital macroeconomics, models of financing health systems, public health; socioeconomic issues in health care; health management; financial management in healthcare, medical pedagogy. Conducts lectures for Bachelor and Master students of the Academy of Medical Sciences in the fields of "Public Health and Health Management", "Healthcare Management", "Strategic Management of Pharmaceutical Activity" in the disciplines "Introduction to Economic Knowledge", "Healthcare Economics" ", "Health insurance and financing models", "Microeconomics of the health organization", "SWOT-analysis and risk management".
Participant in 4 scientific projects at MU-Sofia: Member of the management team of a successfully defended project on the topic "Introduction of distance education in public health" with reg. No. BG051PO001- under the operational program "Development of human resources" 2007- 2013. Participant in a research team under Contract No. 38/2011, "GRANT-2011" on the topic "Methodology for applying the break-even point for optimizing the financial condition of hospital wards. The scientific report of the project was accepted by the SMN with a "High" rating. Member of the team under Contract No. 166/14.06.2022, GRANT-2022 on the topic "Guidelines for improving control over the execution of contracts for the provision of primary outpatient medical care" and the team under Contract No. 167/14.06.2022, "GRANT-2022", on the topic "Analysis and evaluation of the quality of the hybrid training conducted in the Department of Health Economics".
He is a member of the National Association for Health Policy and Management, the Bulgarian Scientific Society for Public Health, the Interdisciplinary Civil Academy, the Bulgarian Association for Drug Information, Collective Membership in the European Public Health Association (EUPHA), Collective Membership in the European Health Management Association /EHMA /; Collective membership in the European Association of Higher Schools of Public Health /ASPHER/, member of the State Examination Commission for acquiring the "Health Economics" specialty.
He is the author of "Microeconomics of the hospital facility. Exercise and Seminar Guide, co-author of the textbooks Introduction to Economics - First Edition and Second Revised Edition, and Health Economics, as well as 170 publications. Participates in numerous Bulgarian and international scientific forums. There are over 100 citations. Member of the editorial board of the collection of articles "Kontakt".
e-mail: press@foz.mu-sofia.bg
City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5,
phone 02 9432 127
e-mail: fph@foz.mu-sofia.bg