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Проф. инж. Николай Ангелов Попов, дм

Prof. Eng. Nikolay Angelov Popov, dm

Prof. Nikolay Popov, MD graduated in 1993 from the College of Economics in the city of Sofia. In 1999, he obtained a master's degree in "Forestry" at the Forestry University of Sofia, and in 2002 a second master's degree in "Public Health and Health Management" at the Medical University - Sofia. In 2003, after a competition, he was appointed as an assistant in the Department of "Health Economics", Health Sciences at the Sofia University. Since 2008, after the defense of a dissertation on the topic "Management of financial resources in voluntary health insurance", he has been promoted to ch. assistant, in 2010 he acquired the scientific title of associate professor, and since 2017 he has been a professor. In 2020, he was elected head of the department. From 2000 to 2010, he worked in a company leading the health insurance market, where he rose to the position of financial director.

Prof. Nikolay Popov has recognized specialties in "Health Economics" (2013) and "Medical Informatics and Health Management" (2017). He is the chairman of the state examination committee for the specialty "Medical Informatics and Health Management" and a member of the state examination committee for the specialty "Healthcare Economics".

Taught undergraduate and graduate students in Public Health and Health Management, Health Care Management, Nursing, Midwifery and Physician Assistant. He teaches "Informatics" to all specialties at "Yordanka Filaretova" Medical College.

Scientific supervisor of 9 doctoral students (6 defended), 3 specialists, 25 successfully defended diploma students and is a reviewer of over 60 diploma theses in master's programs of the Ministry of Health. He is the author of 3 monographs and more than 110 publications. He is a reviewer of research projects at the Medical Science Council at MU-Sofia.

He is a member of the National Association for Health Policy and Management, the Bulgarian Scientific Society for Public Health, the Bulgarian Association for Preventive Medicine.





City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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