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Доц. д-р Рачо Рибаров, д.м.

Assoc. Dr. Racho Ribarov, MD



Dr. Ribarov has a master's degree in medicine. He has a second master's degree in health management. He holds an educational and scientific degree "Doctor" in Social Medicine and Organization of Healthcare and Pharmacy. Started in the medical profession with specializations in "Biomedical Statistics" and "Healthy Economy"in Universitythe of – Erasmus/Netherlands/ and Cambridge University Hospitals Addenbrooke's, Cambridge (England).

Realization as a doctor begins at the Clinic "St. Ekaterina" - cardiovascular surgery. He started in the medical business as a representative of the company "Bristol-Mayers Squib". Currently engaged in representation of medical devices, medical and laboratory consumables required for various fields of medicine. Creates a successful network of consultation offices for patients with colorectal cancer and diabetes in 8 cities of Bulgaria. Consultations include both practical training in handling glucometers, to control blood sugar levels in diabetics, and how to use anus-preter bags after surgery for patients with colorectal cancer. The consultation, providing new scientific information about the disease itself, about the process of treatment and development of the disease, about the effect of the used medications and therapeutic approaches, about the importance of self-management and about the role of the psychological status, reflected in the works of the candidate, is of emphasized importance.

He is a chief assistant at the Department of "Preventive Medicine", FOZ.

Member of the following international and national organizations: Bulgarian Medical Union, Bulgarian Red Cross, Balkan Medical Union, National Association of Social Gerontology.

The scientific activity is directed in the following aspects: Epidemiological studies on colorectal cancer and characterization of its forms of manifestation and development; Prevention of socially significant diseases related to the age status of the population, colorectal cancer, type 2 diabetes and obesity; Health care management of patients with colorectal cancer and type 2 diabetes – counseling: Risk communication. His scientific articles have been published in international and Bulgarian journals, indexed in Scopus and Web of science, with marked citations. Participated with an independent chapter in a monograph on the problems of colorectal cancer, international edition. Participates in various scientific projects dealing with the correct use of scientific health achievements in the media to achieve effective communication, as well as in projects building modern approaches in health care and health management of the population - old people.




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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