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Проф. д-р Георги Христов, д.м.

Prof. Dr. Georgi Hristov, d.m.



In 1987, he graduated from the Higher Medical Institute - Sofia, at the Medical Academy. Since 1988, he has been working as a doctor in the Allergology Clinic of Aleksandrovsk Hospital. He successively held the positions of junior, senior and chief assistant at VMI-Sofia. In 1994 and 1997, he acquired specialties in internal medicine and clinical allergology, respectively.

In 2005, he obtained a master's degree in public health and health management at the Faculty of Public Health, Medical University - Sofia. After successfully defending a dissertation on the topic "Socio-economic analysis and evaluation of bronchial asthma" in 2005, he obtained the educational and scientific degree "doctor" at the Medical University - Sofia. In 2008, Dr. Georgi Hristov received the academic title of "Associate Professor" and began working in the Department of "Health Care Economics" at the Faculty of Public Health, Medical University - Sofia, and in 2015 he held the academic position of "Professor". In 2012, he acquired a specialty in health economics.

Prof. G. Hristov is the founder and head until 2017 of the Department of "Assessment of Health Technologies", Faculty of Public Health, Medical University, Sofia. OAt the end of 2017, he is a member of the Department of "Preventive Medicine".

He teaches undergraduate and graduate students in "Public Health and Health Management" and "Healthcare Management", "Kinesitherapy". He is the scientific supervisor of doctoral students, specialists and graduates at the Health and Medical University of Sofia, Sofia, and a reviewer of diploma theses in the master's programs in "Public Health and Health Management" and "Health Care Management".

Prof. Georgi Hristov's scientific interests are in the field of public health and health management, epidemiology and pharmacoeconomics of chronic socially significant diseases, pricing, reimbursement, regulation of the pharmaceutical market, hospital economics, valuation of hospital services and determination of hospital costs, economic analyzes of hospital activity, assessment of health technologies; and in the fields of bronchial asthma and allergic inflammation, epidemiology of allergic diseases and bronchial asthma; pharmacoeconomics of bronchial asthma.

Prof. Hristov is the founder and chairman of the Board of the Bulgarian Alliance for Clinical and Applied Allergology.

Chief editor of a specialized magazine for doctors "Medical magazine".

Prof. Hristov has over 190 publications and participation in national and international scientific forums. Prof. Hristov is a member of: National Association for Health Policy and Management, Bulgarian Society of Allergology, Bulgarian Medical Association, European Public Health Association, International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, European Respiratory Society, Respiratory Effectiveness Group.




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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