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Проф. Захарина Савова, дм

Prof. Zaharina Savova, dm


Prof. Zaharina Savova, dm was born on 04. 10. 1961 in the town of Pernik.


 In 1979, Prof. Zaharina Savova, d.m. completed her secondary education at the Science and Mathematics High School "Hristo Smirnenski", Pernik.

1985 - 1988 - acquired an educational qualification "Master" in the specialty "Preschool Pedagogy" at the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski".

2002 - 2004 - completed a second higher education with a Master's degree in "Clinical Psychology" at the University of Veliko Tarnovo "St. St. Cyril and Methodius".

2005 - 2007 - received a third higher education with the educational qualification degree "Master" in the specialty "Public Health and Health Management" at the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University - Sofia.

Professional development:

1981 - 1989 - children's teacher in "United Children's Institution-25" - Sofia.

1990 - 2002 - after a competition, he was successively a research assistant III, II, I degree in the "Gerontology and Geriatrics" section of the Specialized Hospital for Active Treatment in Endocrinology and Geriatrics "Acad. Ivan Penchev" EAD.

Since 2002, he has held the academic position of "Chief Assistant", since 2008 - "Docent", and since 2013 - "Professor" in the Department of "Medical Pedagogy" of the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University - Sofia.

Specializations and qualifications:

1988 - 1990 - obtained a major in "Management and Organization" at the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski".

1998 - 2003 - second specialty in "Analytical Psychotherapy" at the Westdeutche Akademie, Germany.

2000 - 2001 - received a diploma for "Accredited Therapist and Consultant" on "Fundamentals of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy" in the Bulgarian Association for Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy.

2005 - 2007 - acquired a third major in "Medical Pedagogy" at the Medical University - Sofia.

Prof. Zaharina Savova, MD, has completed thematic qualification courses on various short-term therapies at the Society of Short-Term Therapists in Bulgaria.

Academic Development:

1990 - 2002 - after a competition, he successively held the position of "Research Associate" III, II, I degree in the "Gerontology and Geriatrics" Section of the Scientific Institute of Endocrinology and Geriatrics at the Medical University - Sofia.

2006 - acquired the educational and scientific degree "Doctor" in the specialty "Social medicine and organization of health care and pharmacy" after defending a dissertation on the topic "Social-medical problems and approaches to the prevention of anorexia and bulimia".

Since 2008 - after a competition and selection, he holds the academic position of "Associate Professor" in the specialty "Social Medicine and Organization of Health Care and Pharmacy" at the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University - Sofia.

Since 2012, Prof. Zaharina Savova, PhD, has been elected as the Deputy Chairman of the General Assembly of the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University - Sofia.

Since 2013, after a competition and selection, he holds the academic position of "Professor" in the specialty "Social Medicine and Organization of Health Care and Pharmacy" at the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University - Sofia.

Learning activity:

Prof. Zaharina Savova, MD teaches bachelors and masters in the majors "Public Health and Health Management" and "Health Care" at the Faculty of Public Health, masters in the specialty "Dental Medicine" at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, professional bachelors at the Medical college at the Medical University - Sofia and to medical and non-medical staff in postgraduate training courses.

Prof. Zaharina Savova's thematic profile includes: General Psychology, Medical Psychology; Applied Psychology, Management Psychology; Medical pedagogy, Methodology of health education and upbringing; Current problems of aging and old age, Prevention of occupational stress, Sexology and reproductive health.

Prof. Zaharina Savova, MD provides scientific guidance to over 20 graduates and 6 specialists in the specialty "Medical Pedagogy".

Prof. Zaharina Savova, PhD, is the scientific supervisor of a doctoral student.

The total annual study load of Prof. Zaharina Savova, dm is over 850 study hours.

Research activity: 

Participation in scientific and applied projects and programs:

2000 - 2004 - Prof. Zaharina Savova, MD participated as a contractor in the International Research Project under the 5th Program of the European Commission "TSFEPS" (Projet SERD/2000 - 00240): "Development of social policy for raising children in preschool age and the transformations of family structures in Europe as forms of social cohesion".

2003 - 2006 - she is a contractor in the Project of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy - "Restoring the mental, emotional and physical health of women suffering from breast cancer".

2011 - 2012 - contractor in the Project of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science - "Participate and Change".

 Prof. Zaharina Savova, MD has over 90 scientific publications in Bulgarian and foreign periodical scientific publications on the issues of: social medicine, health prevention, health management; the psychological and pedagogical problems of health care; the medico-psychological and socio-medical problems of gerontology and geriatrics; healthy lifestyle; psychotherapy, psychological methods, behavioral techniques and skills applicable in health practice to improve the quality of health activities, services and care; communication, motivation, satisfaction and burnout in the profession; the educational activity.

Prof. Zaharina Savova, MD participates with scientific reports in over 30 academic forums and scientific events on the problems of social medicine, health prevention, health management, gerontology, psychology.

Prof. Zaharina Savova, MD is the author and co-author of 2 scientific monographs and more than 5 textbooks and teaching aids.

Membership in academic and scientific organizations:

Member of the Medical Science Council at the Medical University - Sofia.

Member of the Scientific Society of Medical Education.

The scientific interests of Prof. Zaharina Savova, MD are mainly in the field of Social Medicine, Health Prevention, Psychology and Psychotherapy, Health Management, Gerontology and Geriatrics, Pedagogical and Psychological Aspects of Health Care.

Language qualification:

English, Italian and Russian language

Public activity:

Member of the Balkan Medical Society.

Member of the National Association for Health Policy and Management.

Individual member of the European Association for Body Psychotherapy.

Chairman of the Ethics Commission of the Bulgarian Neo-Reichian Society.

Member of the Bulgarian Association of Psychotherapists.

Participation in thematic mass media programs on the profile of your qualifications.

Other interests, skills and qualifications: 

Teacher and supervisor at the Institute of Psycho-Body Psychotherapy-Sofia in the following disciplines: Introduction to Body Psychotherapy; Neo-Reichian model; Evolutionary Psychology; Clinical psychology and psychopathology; Psychosomatic medicine. 

For more information about the personality of Prof. Zaharina Savova, dm and links to useful links on the profile of her qualifications:





City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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