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The mission of the Department is primarily to help students develop the moral qualities necessary for the profession. In every communication situation in professional relationships there is a moral aspect to which those involved must be sensitive. It is the formation of such sensitivity and a holistic approach to the patient that is the main task of training at the Department. Associates strive to ensure such professional training of future specialists that they are able to think globally, but also to be morally lofty and spiritually rich individuals, not allowing compromise with humanity, justice and honesty.

Sociomedical, ethical and legal knowledge is a significant component for the quality of training of health professionals - not only for students, but also for teachers and research staff. Teachers are assigned the task of preparing and updating curricula, programs and content, developing and introducing new interactive training methods. The reform of medical education, as a key element of the entire health care reform, actually aims at the formation of health professionals capable of meeting the challenges of the 21st century.

  1. Development of modern training programs in the field of health policy, health management and health care organization.
  2. Increasing the effectiveness of the learning process using interactive pedagogical methods.
  3. Provision of modern managerial, organizational and economic knowledge and skills applicable in the national health care system;
  4. Acquaintance with the current state and problems of health care systems in the world.
  5. Familiarization with the methods of socio-medical, organizational and health-policy analyzes and the assessment of the activity of socially oriented and market-regulated systems and structural elements;
  6. Study of social-medical and health-policy methods and technologies applicable at the macro- and micro-level of the health system;

Head of department

Prof. Alexandrina Vodenicharova, dm

Проф. Александрина Воденичарова, дмн, ФОЗ-София

Composition of the department




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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