A cradle for a new generation of healthcare managers, bearers of an entrepreneurial spirit, who will possess the necessary knowledge and skills to address the challenges of the emerging healthcare services market and modern healthcare practice.
A new category of medical knowledge with the introduction of a multidisciplinary approach that combined and applied the methods of social knowledge and economics with those of clinical medicine and its management.
A cradle for a new generation of healthcare managers, bearers of an entrepreneurial spirit, who will possess the necessary knowledge and skills to address the challenges of the emerging healthcare services market and modern healthcare practice.
A new category of medical knowledge with the introduction of a multidisciplinary approach that combined and applied the methods of social knowledge and economics with those of clinical medicine and its management.
Cradle of a new generation of health managers, bearers of an entrepreneurial spirit, who possess the necessary knowledge and skills to meet the challenges of the emerging health services market and modern health care practice
A new category of medical knowledge with the introduction of a multidisciplinary approach that combined and applied the methods of social knowledge and economics with those of clinical medicine and its management.
Cradle of a new generation of health managers, bearers of an entrepreneurial spirit, who possess the necessary knowledge and skills to meet the challenges of the emerging health services market and modern health care practice
A new category of medical knowledge with the introduction of a multidisciplinary approach that combined and applied the methods of social knowledge and economics with those of clinical medicine and its management.
Cradle of a new generation of health managers, bearers of an entrepreneurial spirit, who possess the necessary knowledge and skills to meet the challenges of the emerging health services market and modern health care practice
A new category of medical knowledge with the introduction of a multidisciplinary approach that combined and applied the methods of social knowledge and economics with those of clinical medicine and its management.