The dean of the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University - Sofia, Prof. Alexandrina Vodenicharova, attended the solemn event on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Department of Endocrinology at the Medical University of Sofia and the 60th anniversary of USBALE "Acad. Ivan Penchev", as and the 75th birthday of the long-time head of the two structures and professor at the University - Prof. Dr. Sabina Zaharieva, dmn.
The ceremony was held in the Auditorium of SBALAG "Mother's House" and was honored by a number of high-ranking persons, among them the Minister of Health Dr. Galya Kondeva, the Deputy Ministers of Health, the Rector of MU-Sofia Prof. Boycho Lanzhov, MD, and others.
In his welcome, Prof. Vodenicharova congratulated and awarded Prof. Zaharieva with the badge of honor of the Faculty of Public Health for her merits. Rector Prof. Lanzhov also presented Prof. Zaharieva with the Rector's Badge of Honor for her many years of leadership, teaching and research activities and her contribution to the development of MU-Sofia.
Minister Kondeva expressed his respect for the Department's aspiration to provide the most efficient and competent medical assistance to patients with endocrine problems. She also shared the decision of the Council of Ministers to propose to the President that Prof. Zaharieva be awarded the Order of St. St. Cyril and Methodius" for her significant contribution to science.
The event marked the important achievements and contributions of the Department of Endocrinology and USBALE "Acad. Ivan Penchev" in the field of endocrinology in Bulgaria, as well as the remarkable career of Prof. Sabina Zaharieva as a scientist and leader.
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