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Prof. Krasimir Vizev, Ph.D

Krasimir Vizev

Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs

Head of the Department of "Preventive Medicine"

Head of the Department of "Preventive Medicine" at the Health Ministry - "Prof. Dr. Ts. Vodenicharov, Ph.D.", Deputy Dean of Health Sciences, with the academic title "Professor" and scientific degree "Doctor of Sciences". National consultant in the specialty "Geriatric Medicine", acquired through the British Consil, UK and the International Institute of Aging, WHO, UN, Malta, as well as three other recognized specialties: "Internal diseases", "Endocrinology and metabolic diseases", " Social Medicine and Health Management"; numerous qualification courses and specializations / in various European and world university scientific bases, as well as in line with the Erasmus, Tempus program; qualification in "Clinical Epidemiology" at the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatics, Erasmus University; professional qualification in "Clinical Endocrinology", etc. Author and co-author of 2 monographs, "Preventive Medicine" manual with over 200 scientific publications with multiple citations in over 250 scientific journals, author of curricula and scientific projects, including international ones at MU-Sofia, MOH, BAS, MES . He is a member of more than 14 national, international and world scientific organizations. Winner of numerous national and international prestigious awards and recognitions. For special contributions to the implementation of teaching, research and expert activity, he was awarded the "Panaceia" - 2020. from the Academic Council of MU-Sofia. He knows three foreign languages.

Prof. Dr. Krasimir Vizev, MD was born on 25.02.1962.


In 1988, he acquired the educational and qualification degree "Master" in the specialty "Medicine" at the Higher Medical Institute - Sofia of the Medical Academy.

Professional development:

1988 - Resident in Emergency and Emergency Medical Care at the Primary District Hospital, Kardzhali.

1989 - 2009 - after competition and selection was successively assistant, senior assistant and chief assistant in the Clinical Center of Endocrinology and Gerontology of the Scientific Institute of Endocrinology, Gerontology and Geriatrics at the Ministry of Health.

Since 2009 – Republican consultant on Geriatric Medicine.

Since 2010 - Associate Professor at the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University - Sofia.

 Since 2014 - professor at the Department of Preventive Medicine of the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University - Sofia. 

Specializations and qualifications:

Specialty in "Internal Diseases" at the Medical University - Sofia.

Specialty in "Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases" at the Medical University - Sofia.

2001 - specialty in "Social Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine" under the British Council, International Networking Events, United Nations, United Kingdom, Belfast.

1992 - qualification in "Social Gerontology" with a diploma from the International Institute of Aging - Malta, Post-Graduate Diploma of Social Gerontology, International Institute of Aging, WHO, United Nations.

1995 - qualification in "Clinical Epidemiology" at the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatics, Erasmus University.

2000 - professional qualification in "Clinical Endocrinology" at the European Federation of Endocrine Societes.

Academic Development:

2006 - obtained the educational and scientific degree "Doctor" in the scientific specialty "Social medicine and organization of health care and pharmacy" after defending a dissertation on the topic: "Biological age as a medico-social problem and its influence by some endocrine factors".

2010 - after competition and selection, holds the academic position of "Docent" at the Faculty of Public Health of the Medical University - Sofia.

2013 - elected Deputy Dean for International Cooperation and International Projects of the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University - Sofia.

2014 - after competition and selection, holds the academic position of "Professor" at the Faculty of Public Health of Medical University - Sofia. 

2017 - acquired educational and scientific degree "Doctor of Medical Sciences" in the scientific specialty "Social Medicine and Organization of Health Care and Pharmacy".

Learning activity:

Prof. Dr. Krasimir Vizev, dm teaches of bachelors in the specialties: "Public Health and Health Management", "Nurse", "Midwifery".

Thematic orientation of the educational activity of Prof. Dr. Krasimir Vizev, PhD covers: social aspects of gerontology, social geriatrics; the socially significant diseases with endocrine and other factors of the risk constellation of the Bulgarian population and above all the medico-social aspects of aging and problems of the elderly; the psychosomatic status of age-related pathology; observations on late ontogenetic changes in reactivity in aging; care for the disabled and the elderly.

Prof. Krasimir Vizev, Ph.D scientific supervisor of over 40 graduates and specialists.

The total annual academic loadost of Prof. Dr. Krasimir Vizev, which is more than 780 study hours.

Scientific research activity:

Prof. Dr. Krasimir Vizev, dmn is author and co-author with multiple citations of over 200 scientific publications in the field of: Prevention of premature (accelerated) aging of the Bulgarian population; The problem of biological age in an ontogenetic aspect; The prevention of loneliness, the socially weak and the disabled in Bulgaria; Social gerontology; Prevention and multifactorial prevention of socially significant diseases and related risk factors; The health status of the population and the promotion of health; Disease prevention; Health policy and others.

He is author of the scientific monograph "Biological age as a medico-social problem and its influence by some endocrine factors".

Prof. Krasimir Vizev, Ph.D is a co-author of a study program for specialization in "Social Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine" for the postgraduate qualification of social and health professionals.

Co-author of national multifactorial preventive programs for the prevention of socially significant diseases, premature aging and the promotion of public health.

Prof. Dr. Krasimir Vizev, PhD participated with numerous scientific reports and posters national and international academic forums and scientific events.

 Membership in academic and scientific organizations:

Scientific secretary and observer member at the Scientific Center for Medicine of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

He is a member of more than 14 national, international and world scientific organizations, including as a national expert.

 Scientific interests of Prof. Dr. Krasimir Vizev, dmn are mainly in the field of: prevention of premature aging; biological age in ontogenetic aspect; the prevention of loneliness, the socially weak and the disabled; social gerontology; socially significant diseases; the health status of the population; health promotion; the prevention of diseases; health policy.

Language qualification:

English and Russian language.




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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