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Prospective students submit the following documents online or on site:

1. Application and DeclarationThe forms are based on a template valid only for the Health Insurance Fund and are filled out personally by the student candidate. (see Appendices No. 1 and No. 2 on pages 17 and 18)

2. Prospective students for the specialties Bachelor's degree applicants submit their original high school diploma and a photocopy of it.

Prospective students for the specialties at the Master's degree level present their diploma for completed secondary education, as well as the diploma for the previous higher education degree they completed. After verification of the original diplomas they are returning. Photocopies of diplomas it is not necessary to be notarized.

Required diplomas for application:

  • For the specialties "Nurse", "Midwife", "Kinesitherapy", "Physician Assistant" and "Public Health and Health Management", "Bachelor": high school diploma;
  • For the specialty "Healthcare Management", "bachelor": diploma of completed medical education or diploma of completed education "specialist in...";
  • For the specialty "Healthcare Management", "Master":
    diploma for completed degree "bachelor" by specialty "Healthcare Management", "Midwife" or "Nurse" or diploma for an acquired specialty in the professional field of "Health Care" of the OKS "professional bachelor in...", as well as the OKS diploma "bachelor" one by one from the majors: "social activities", "social pedagogy", "social management" or "health management".
  • For the specialties "Aesthetic Care" and "Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology", at the "Master" level* - a diploma of completed higher education "professional bachelor", specialties "medical cosmetics" or "rehabilitation";
  • For the specialties "Public Health and Health Management", "Strategic Management of Pharmaceutical Activities" and "Occupational Medicine and Work Ability", "Master" - Bachelor's degree or "master";
  • For the specialty "Clinical Trial Management", "Master" - Master's degree.

3. Payment order for paid fee. The fees for taking exams are transferred by bank transfer to the account of the Faculty of Public Health "Prof. Dr. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, DMN". The payment document is attached to the application kit. It must include the three names of the candidate student and the specialty for which the application is being made.

Bank account:


3.1. Application fees and annual tuition fees are determined annually by a Decision of the Council of Ministers. They are published on the websites of the Faculty of Public Health and the Medical University-Sofia in the "Tuition Fees" section. 

Please inform yourself in advance about the exact amount required to apply for your desired major.

Deposited fees for candidate student exams are not refundable!

3.2. From application fee, according to Art. 68, para. 3 of the Higher Education Act, are exempted from the application fee: full orphans; persons with permanent disabilities and reduced working capacity of 70 and over 70 percent; war invalids and war victims; persons raised until adulthood in homes for children deprived of parental care. Half-orphans pay 50% of the application fee. Persons from the specified categories present their current documents on the day of application.

Documents under Art. 68 that are not submitted with the application will not be recognized at a later stage!

4. For those wishing to restore their student rights е необходимо да се представи уверение от съответното висше училище;

5. Required documents for student candidates under Art. 68, para. 3 (items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) of
The Higher Education Act. 
Candidate students from the specified categories provide originals of the documents for verification and a photocopy of them - death certificate and certificate of heirs; current expert decision of the TELC (with a stamp for a decision that has entered into force), birth certificates of children, etc.

5.1. Документи по чл. 68, ал. 3 от ЗВО, които не са подадени като приложение към заявлението за кандидатстване, не могат да бъдат представени допълнително и не се признават на по-късен етап!

6. When submitting the documents each student applicant receives входящ №, място и час за провеждане на изпита.

Important when submitting documents online!

Your successful registration in the system DOES NOT MEAN that you are approved for an exam or for rankingAfter you submit your documents, they will be reviewed and approved by an expert.

Only when you receive a message in your email with the text: "Approved candidate" and receive your incoming number, then your registration is completely complete.

*Ако до два дни, след като сте изпратили документите си, не получите съобщение „Одобрен кандидат“, моля да се свържете с нас на посочените в сайта телефони за contact.

Important for prospective students who have completed their education abroad!

The procedure for candidate students who have completed secondary or higher education abroad is in accordance with the Higher Education Act (HEA) and the Regulation on the State Requirements for Admission of Students to Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Bulgaria. (see Appendix No. 7, p.29).

According to the procedural rules of the Sofia City Regional Development Authority, the deadline for preparing the documents is one month.

Documents are accepted online and on site, at Tsaritsa Yoanna-ISUL UMBAL, 8 Byalo More St., 5th floor, in the following terms:

Prospective students submit the following documents online or on site:
1. Application and Declaration. The forms are in a template valid only for the Health Insurance Fund and are
filled in personally by the candidate student. (see Annexes No. 1 and No. 2 on pages 17 and 18)
2. Candidate students for the Bachelor's degree programs submit
your original high school diploma and a photocopy of it.
Candidate students for the Master's degree programs submit:
your high school diploma, as well as your high school diploma
them a previous degree of higher education.
After verification, the original diplomas are returned.
Photocopies of diplomas do not need to be notarized.
Required diplomas for application:
– For the specialties "Nurse", "Midwife", "Kinesitherapy", "Medical
assistant" and "Public Health and Health Management", "bachelor": diploma for
completed secondary education;
– For the specialty "Healthcare Management", "bachelor's degree": diploma for
completed medical education or diploma
education "specialist in...";
– For the specialty "Healthcare Management", "Master":
• Bachelor's degree in Business Administration
healthcare", "Midwife" or "Nurse"
• diploma for an acquired specialty in the professional field of "Healthcare"
of the OKS "professional bachelor in...", as well as the OKS "bachelor" diploma in
one of the specialties: "social activities", "social pedagogy", "social
management" or "health management".
– For the specialties "Aesthetic Care" and "Medical Rehabilitation and
balneology", at the "Master" level* - diploma of completed higher education
"professional bachelor", specialties "medical cosmetics" or
– For the specialties "Public Health and Health Management", "Strategic
"Pharmaceutical Management" and "Occupational Medicine and Work Ability",
"Master" - a diploma for completed higher education "Bachelor" or "Master";
– For the specialty "Clinical Trial Management", "Master" - diploma for
completed higher education "master's degree".
3. Payment order for the fee paid. Exam fees are transferred to
bank transfer to the account of the Faculty of Public Health "Prof. Dr. Cekomir"
Vodenicharov, MD". The payment document is attached to the application kit. In
It must include the three names of the candidate student and the specialty for which
is being applied for.

Bank account:

BG47BPBI79403163982101, BIC: BPBIBGSF,

3.1. Application fees and annual tuition fees are determined annually by
Decision of the Council of Ministers. Published on the website of the Faculty of
Public Health and Medical University-Sofia in the "Tuition Fees" section.

Please inform yourself in advance about the exact amount required for
applying for the desired specialty.

Deposited fees for candidate student exams are not refundable!

3.2. From the application fee, according to Art. 68, para. 3 of the Higher Education Act,
orphans are released; persons with permanent disabilities and reduced working capacity 70
and over 70 percent; war invalids and war victims; persons raised until adulthood
in homes for children deprived of parental care.
Half-orphans pay 50% of the application fee.
Persons from the specified categories present their current documents on the day of
Documents under Art. 68 that are not submitted with the application shall not be recognized at a later date.

late stage!

4. Those wishing to restore their student rights must present
certificate from the relevant higher education institution;
5. Required documents for student candidates under Art. 68, para. 3 (items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) of
The Higher Education Act.
Prospective students from the specified categories provide originals of the documents for
verification and photocopy of them – death certificate and certificate of heirs; up-to-date
expert decision of the TELC (with a stamp for a decision that has entered into force), birth certificates of children
5.1. Documents under Art. 68, para. 3 of the Higher Education Act that have not been submitted as an annex to
the application form, cannot be submitted additionally and are not
admit at a later stage!
6. Upon submission of documents, each student candidate receives an entry number, location and time.
for conducting the exam.

Important when submitting documents online!

Your successful registration in the system DOES NOT MEAN that you are approved for an exam or for
ranking. After you submit your documents, they will be reviewed and approved by


Only when you receive a message in your email with the text: "Approved candidate"
and receive your incoming number, then your registration is completely complete.
*If you do not receive a message within two days after submitting your documents
"Approved candidate", please contact us at the phone numbers listed on the website for


Important for prospective students who have completed their education abroad!

The procedure for candidate students who have completed secondary or higher education in
abroad is in accordance with the Higher Education Act (HEA) and the Regulation on
state requirements for admission of students to higher education institutions of the Republic
Bulgaria. (see Appendix No. 7, p.29)
According to the procedural rules of the Sofia City Regional Development Office, the deadline for preparing the documents is

one month.

Guidelines for submitting documents:

1. When submitting documents, the online system generates the necessary forms - Application and
 according to a template, valid only for the Health and Medical Center at the Sofia University. The forms are filled out, signed and done
scan then apply as attachments.

2. Each prospective student scans the required diploma – for secondary education and/or 
the diploma for a completed previous degree of higher education
, depending on the requirements for
the relevant specialty. (see Application Guide)

3. Payment order for paid fee. The application fee for the specified majors,
which have one entrance exam is BGN 90.00. The amount is transferred by bank transfer to the FOZ account.
A copy of the payment order is scanned and attached as an attachment when submitting the
the documents. The three names and the specialty applied for must be written.

Bank account:


Deposited fees for candidate student exams are not refundable!

4. Upon successful submission of the documents, each student candidate receives incoming no., place and time for
conducting the exam. Print this document and bring it with you on the day of the exam.

Important information when submitting documents online:

Your successful registration in the system and the sending of your documents IT DOES NOT MEAN, that you have been approved for an exam or placement.

The following is a review of the documents you have attached and their approval by an expert.
Your registration is complete only after you receive a message on your email
mail: "Approved applicant" and receive your personal login number.

*If you do not receive the above message within two days of submitting your documents, please contact
us on the indicated contact numbers: +359 2 9432 internal: 205, 267, 372, 304, 216, 127

Submission of documents online (will be activated on 17.06.2024.)

Submission of documents on the spot:

  1. The system generates the necessary forms - Application and Declaration according to a template, valid only for the Health and Medical Center at the Sofia University.

  1. Each applicant student brings the original diplomas and a photocopy  of them: for complete secondary education and/or diploma for completed previous degree of higher education, depending on the application requirements for the relevant major. The photocopy it is not necessary to be notarized. After verification, the original diplomas are returned. (see Application Guide)

  1. Payment order for paid fee. Fees for taking exams, as well as those for document processing, can be found in the "Study Fees" section.

The amount is transferred only by bank transfer to the account of the Faculty of Public Health "prof. Dr. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, PhD". A copy of the payment slip is brought on the day of submission of the documents. In the payment order from the bank mandatory the three names on the ID card and the specialty applied for are written.

Bank account:

BG47BPBI79403163982101, BIC: BPBIBGSF,


Deposited fees for candidate student exams are not refundable!

*Note: From application fee (art. 68, para. 3, items 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the ZVO) are released after presenting all up-to-date documents: circular orphans; persons with permanent disabilities and reduced working capacity of 70 and over 70 percent; war disabled and war injured; persons brought up to adulthood in homes for children deprived of parental care. Half-orphans pay 50% of the application fee.

  1. To restore student rights confirmation from the relevant higher education institution is required;

  1. When ranking the candidate students by major according to Art. 68, para. 3, (items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) of the Higher Education Act  compete with each other for a certain number of places for regular admission. The distribution of places for all specialties in both professional areas  7.5. Health care and 7.4. Public Health are published in the Application Guide.

  1. Documents for candidate students under Art. 68, para. 3 (items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) of the Law on Higher Education*: Candidate-students from the specified categories attach the originals of their documents for verification, as well as photocopies of them - death certificate and certificate of heirs; expert decision of TELC (with a stamp for an effective decision), birth certificates of children and other necessary documents.

*Documents under Art. 68, para. 3 of the higher education institutions, which are not submitted as an attachment to the application, cannot be submitted additionally and will not be recognized at a later stage!

7. The procedure for candidate students who have completed secondary or higher education abroad  in accordance with the Higher Education Act (HEA) and the Ordinance on the state requirements for admission of students to higher education institutions of the Republic of Bulgaria are published in The application guide.

8. When submitting the documents on the spot each student applicant receives entrance number, place and time of the exam.

9. Vazhno for submission of documents online: The successful registration in the system and sending of your documents IT DOES NOT MEAN, that you have been approved for an exam or placement.

This is followed by their review and approval by an expert in the specialty for which you are applying.

Your registration is complete only after you have received a message in your e-mail with the text: "Approved applicant" and get your personal login number.

*If you do not receive the above message within two days of submitting your documents, please contact us at the contact numbers!




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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