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Student from the Faculty of Health Sciences with distinction in the "Rector's Cup 2025" competition

Kupa na rektora 2025, snimka na studentka ot FOZ s vtoro myasto

The annual winter camp of the Medical University - Sofia, which was held in the Bansko resort from February 16 to 21, 2025, has ended. The culmination of the event was the traditional skiing competition for the "Rector's Cup", in which 36 students from the various faculties and units of the university participated, demonstrating their skills on the slope.

The Faculty of Public Health "Prof. Dr. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, MD" is proud of the excellent performance of our freshman Mila Teodorova Georgieva, who won the prestigious second place in the "Skiing - Women" category. This achievement is further proof that the students of the Faculty of Public Health successfully combine academic pursuits with sports activities.

The competition was honored by the university leadership, with the Rector, Prof. Dr. Boycho Landzhov, MD, personally making a demonstration descent on the track. Awards were presented to the winners by a number of officials, including the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Public Health "Prof. Dr. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, MD", Prof. Todor Kundurzhiev.


  1. Lyubomira Aleko Tuliyska – FF, 4th year

  2. Mila Teodorova Georgieva – FOS, 1st year

  3. Ralitsa Nikolova Grableva – MK, 2nd year


  1. Hristian Milchev Stoykov – Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, 2nd year

  2. Radoslav Petkov Balinski – Faculty of Medicine, 3rd year

  3. Nikolay Nikolaev Kostov – FDM, 3rd year


  1. Assen Atanasov Zlatev – MF, 6th year

  2. Teodor Veselinov Daskalov – MF, 6th year

  3. Simeon Teofilov Sedloev – MF, 6th year

A total of 53 students from the university participated in the winter camp this year, as the organizer of the winter sports holiday, including the competition and the camp, is the Department of Language Education and Sports, with the significant support of the Student Council.

We congratulate Mila Georgieva for her worthy performance and all participants from the Faculty of Public Health who demonstrated sportsmanship and skills!




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