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ISSUE 1, 2019




The creator and dean of the FOZ Prof. Vodenicharov shares in his book "The 10 principles of the physician and the manager" the path of the academic structure FOZ, built from nothing, in the face of fierce initial resistance, won an indisputable place and authority, established itself as a leader of change:

"The faculty in public health is a success in itself, but it has also achieved incredible successes. What is the formula for success: a strong leader and a cohesive team. A strong leader is one who has the ability to make ordinary people do extraordinary things.

What is FOZ: an idea product, but also a center for the production of ideas. It is an emanation of an idea, but also its institutionalization. As a generator of ideas, FOZ is directly interested in their materialization. That is why it is necessary to be in close relations with politics (parties, organizations, institutions) and business (private structures, entrepreneurs, managers). Therefore, there must be a long-term anticipatory vision and carefully selected allies.

What, in my opinion, is the mission of the FOZ at this stage:

First of all – creation and development of a modern health policy. Modern health policy is evidence-based health policy. But also the health policy, which has abandoned paternalism and turned its face towards partnership.

In the second place - creation and development of a health business oriented to the health needs of the population.

In third place – adequate health management. Health management, which is a powerful tool for the implementation of a modern health policy".








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phone 02 9432 127


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