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Multinational Peer Review Board (MPRB) Meeting held in Khatlon State Medical University (Tajikistan)

As a part of external evaluation of the Khatlon State Medical University (Tajikistan), Multinational Peer Review Board (MPRB) Meeting was held online on November 25-26, 2021 using Google classroom.

The Peer Review Team consists of 4 experts as follows

Prof. Maka Advadze, Dean of Medical Program, SEU, Tbilisi, Georgia

Assoc. Prof. Stela Adauji, Head of the Department of Continuous Medical Education, Head of the Vasile Procopishin Department of Social Pharmacy; USMF, Chisinau, Moldova

Assoc. Prof. Vidmantas Vaičiulis, MPH, PdD, Lithuanian University of Social Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania

Chief Asst. Prof. Yoana Simeonova, PhD, Department of Social Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University - Sofia, Bulgaria

On the first day meetings with representatives of the governing body of the HEI members of the Senate, Self-Evaluation Report working groups, and students were conducted. The online meetings started at 9.00 AM and finished at 4.45 PM EET.

On the second day, the Expert group met teaching staff and members of the Study Program Committees. The online meetings took place during the whole day.

During the meetings discussed were different issues on the SER trying to collect additional information needed in preparation of the Peer Review Report. Additional information was provided to the Peer Review Expert Group, which was necessary for the preparation of the Peer Review final Report.


Chief Asst. Prof. Yoana Simeonova, PhD




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