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Проф. д.н. Мариела Деливерска, доктор по право

Prof. Ph.D. Mariela Deliverska, Doctor of Law


Professor Mariela Deliverska is a lawyer, a specialist in the field of administrative law and administrative process. Expert in issues related to rulemaking and law enforcement in the health sector, protection of human rights in access to medical care, implementation of health services and activities in the field of health care. 

Acquired legal education at the Faculty of Law of the National University of Athens "Kapodistrias" and at the Faculty of Law of the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". He holds a master's degree in "Public Health and Health Management" from Medical University - Sofia and specializations in "Public Administration" and "Dispensation of Justice".

Prof. Deliverska is a "Doctor of International Public Law and International Relations". He obtained a specialized qualification in the field of human rights protection in access to medical care in Austria, within the framework of studies at the Open Medical Institute.

Prof. Deliverska's professional legal experience in the field of human rights protection is related to the Commission for Protection from Discrimination. Her professional qualification in international legal activity is connected with the Ministry of Justice, where she holds expert positions in the "International Legal Cooperation and European Affairs" Directorate.

In 2013, he held the position of Director of the "Science" Directorate at the Ministry of Education and Science, where he organized, coordinated and supervised specific activities in the field of science related to the participation of the state in the decision-making process and the implementation of the country's commitments. arising from its membership in the European Union.

In 2014, she was appointed the national coordinator of the European Union's Framework Program for Scientific Research and Innovation "Horizon 2020". It is directly involved in the evaluation of the scientific research system. Leads the development and proposal for approval of strategic research and innovation projects and initiatives. 

At the Medical University - Sofia, Prof. Deliverska has been teaching since 2010, initially as a part-time lecturer at the "Yordanka Filaretova" Medical College, and since 2015 as part of the academic staff of the Faculty of Public Health, successively holding the position of "associate professor" and "Professor".

In 2016, he obtained the scientific degree "Doctor of Sciences". 

In April 2017, she was elected as the deputy chairman of the General Assembly of the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University - Sofia. In the period 2017-2020, he is the head of the department of "Law and Ethics in Medicine" at the Faculty of Public Health.

He is the author of scientific monographs and numerous publications in national and international scientific publications. He participates as a guest speaker in scientific forums, training seminars, symposia and congresses. 

Prof. Deliverska is the national representative for Bulgaria of the European Association of Health Law. He is an active member of prestigious professional organizations, including: the World Association of Medical Law, the International Forum of Bioethics Teachers at UNESCO, the Bulgarian Scientific Society for Public Health, the National Association for Health Policy and Management.

He is a member of the editorial boards of prestigious international scientific publications: "Health Economics" magazine, a specialized edition of Frontiers in the field of public health; "World Journal of Education" magazine and "Journal of Curriculum and Teaching" magazine, published by Sciedu Press; "Global Bioethics Inquiry" - a publication of UNESCO Bioethics; magazine "International Journal of Public Health Medicine" and magazine "Medical Law and Ethic Journal", published by the International Association of Healthcare Professionals.

Fluent in written and spoken English and Greek.




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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