e-mail: e.ivanov@foz.mu-sofia.bg
Professor Evgeni Ivanov, Doctor of Medicine in the Department of Health Care at the "Prof. Dr. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, MD" Health Care Center at the Medical University - Sofia. He holds a specialty in medical pedagogy.
His scientific and research interests are in the fields of medical psychology, health management, and social medicine.
Publications and scientific interests:
He is the author of the books "Health Culture of Students - a Factor for Effective Health Promotion" and co-author of "Textbook of Child Pedagogy and Psychology for Students of the "Health Care" Department at the Medical Universities", textbook EKS-PRESS, Gabrovo, 2021. ISBN 978-954-490-710-5; author on "Professional Development and Careers in Healthcare" Sofia 2021 ISBN 978-619-7491-41-8 and co-author of a textbook on "Medical Psychology", co-author of a study guide "Ethical and Psychological Aspects in the Professional Practice of Medical Specialists", lecturer in Management Psychology; Labor Psychology, Stress Prevention, Medical Pedagogy, Principles and Methods of Teaching, Child Pedagogy and Child Psychology.
He is the author of over 90 scientific publications in Bulgarian and international publications, with 110 citations in Bulgarian publications and 15 in foreign scientific indexed publications.
Membership in organizations:
Member of the International Forum of Teachers (IFT) of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics. Balkan Medical Union – BMU, National Association for Health Policy and Management; Bulgarian Scientific Society for Public Health; Scientific Society for Medical Education, member of the general assembly of the Foundation for Health "Prof. Dr. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, MD," MU-Sofia, member of the FS of the Foundation for Health "Prof. Dr. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, MD," academic mentor in scholarship programs for medical students of Roma origin.
e-mail: press@foz.mu-sofia.bg
City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5,
phone 02 9432 127
e-mail: fph@foz.mu-sofia.bg