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Доц. Емилиан Радев, дм

Assoc. Prof. Emilian Radev, MD



Born in the town of Sevlievo. In 2003, he graduated from the University of Veliko Tarnovo “St., St. Cyril and Methodius”, acquiring a Master’s degree, with a professional field – Ecology and Environmental Protection. In 2005, he successfully graduated and acquired a Master’s degree at the Medical University of Sofia in a professional field – Public Health and Health Management. From 2005 to 2009, he worked as the Head of the Department of Registration and Control of Commercial Activities at the Sofia Municipality, Vrabnitsa District. 

From 2009 to 2011, he held the position of Senior Inspector in the structure of the Ministry of Health - Executive Agency Medical Audit - Department "Methodology of Control and Analysis". On 07.02.2012, after a competition, he was appointed as an assistant professor in the Department of "Preventive Medicine" at the Faculty of Public Health, Medical University - Sofia. In 2013, he also acquired the educational and qualification degree of Master, with professional qualification - Occupational Medicine and Work Capacity from the Medical University - Sofia, Faculty of Public Health. 

In 2015, he obtained the educational and scientific degree "Doctor" in the same structure. Since 2016, he has been reappointed to the position of Chief Assistant Professor at the above-mentioned unit of the Faculty of Public Health. On 03.02.2016, he graduated with the educational and qualification degree Master with professional qualification: Health Manager, acquiring the rights of a specialist in - Health Economics at the Medical University - Sofia, Faculty of Public Health.

Publications and scientific interests:

The scientific interests of Assoc. Prof. Emilian Radev are in the following areas: Medical ecology and hygiene; Public health; Current problems of aging and old age; Ontogenetic processes affecting aging; Social characteristics and problems of aging and old age; Experimental approaches in the epidemiology of the spread of non-communicable diseases; Predictors of the syndrome leading to emotional burnout; Preventive approaches contributing to the elimination of obesity in adolescents.

He is the author of over 90 scientific publications in Bulgarian and international journals. He is the author of one monograph and one scientific manual. He has over 95 positive citations. He is a participant in 3 scientific research projects at the Medical University - Sofia.

Membership in organizations:

Assoc. Prof. Emilian Radev is a member of:

Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, National Association for Health Policy and Management, Bulgarian Scientific Society for Public Health.




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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