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Доц. д-р Ася Гладилова, дм

Associate Professor Asya Gladilova, Ph.D



He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Medical University - Sofia in 1995. He specialized in pediatrics in 2001. Since 2009 he has been a "Master" in Public Health and Health Management at the Faculty of Public Health, Medical University, Sofia. In 2010 he defended his dissertation on the topic "Medico-social and genetic factors in bronchial asthma in childhood, possibilities for prevention and control", for which he was awarded the educational and scientific degree "Doctor".

In 2012, she was awarded the scientific title of "Associate Professor" at the Department of "Preventive Medicine", at the Faculty of Public Health, MU - Sofia. Since 2024, she has been part of the Department of "Social and Preventive Medicine and Medicine of Disaster Situations", where she teaches students in the specialties "Public Health and Health Management", "Health Care Management", "Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology", "Nursing". She is a lecturer in "Children's Diseases" and "Hygiene of Children and Adolescents" to students in the specialties "Medical Laboratory Assistant", "X-ray Laboratory Assistant", "Paramedic", "Public Health Inspector", "Rehabilitator", "Masseur with Impaired Vision" at the Medical College "Yordanka Filaretova", Sofia and the specialty "Nurse" at the Medical College "Prof. Dr. Iv. Mitev", Vratsa.

He is a specialist in pediatric diseases at the Department of Pediatrics at the National Cardiology Hospital, Sofia. He participated twice in projects of the American-Austrian Foundation in emergency care in pediatrics and pediatric pulmonology at the St. Johann Hospital, Salzburg, Austria, as well as a course in Allergic Diseases at the Department of Allergology, Medical University - Sofia.

Publications and scientific interests:

He is the author of over 40 scientific publications, a monograph "Bronchial Asthma - a Health and Social Problem", a textbook on Pediatrics for bachelor's and master's students - nurses, midwives, physician assistants, laboratory technicians, public health inspectors, paramedics, rehabilitators, and is co-author of a textbook "Nosocomial Infections". 

Scientific interests are in the field of pediatric pulmonology, bronchial asthma in childhood, nosocomial infections, health promotion, prevention of socially significant diseases, etc.

Membership in organizations:

  • Member of the Bulgarian Medical Union.
  • Member of the Bulgarian Pediatric Association.
  • Member of BNDOZ




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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