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Academic training, Scientific-research and applied-methodical activity, socially useful activity to:

  • Answers to the challenges to the Republic of Bulgaria as a member of the EU for the development of the national health system in the direction of protecting the health, work capacity and reproduction of the workforce, for conscious and purposeful construction of a good and humane company policy, preventing occupational risks and improving working conditions;
  • Comply with the requirements of the General Directorate "Training, Health and Safety" of EUROSTAT and the group "Health and Safety at Work" for change in methodology and training in the analysis of consolidated public health data; AND
  • Integrates the training conducted by the Department of "Occupational Medicine" at FOZ, MU Sofia successfully into the European space for higher education and into the strategic direction of the requirements of the European System for Accumulation and Transfer of Credits (ЕСТС) in one- or two-cycle organization of higher education with a closer connection at the second educational level (master's) and an effective connection between the educational level "bachelor" and "master" through:
    • scientific research, new technologies,
    • the needs for high personal responsibility,
    • the participation of employers' organizations,
    • consolidation of information on the "target groups among workers" - young workers, women of childbearing age, workers with disabilities, "new epidemics among workers" determined by stress at the workplace, aggressive risks of the environment and the work process,
    • compliance with the diversity of market requirements.

Creation of adequate training and practically prepared highly qualified specialists, with a modern vision for the protection and promotion of the health of Bulgaria's workforce, in sync with the European criteria of higher academic education and the European Directives for ensuring healthy and safe working conditions.

ACADEMIC TRAINING - pistemic, in-depth, qualified and continuing to students - bachelors and masters, of doctoral students, of specialists and of medical and non-medical personnel in the academic disciplines for the protection, strengthening, restoration of occupational health, for the prevention of long-term temporary incapacity for work, primary disability due to a work-related relationship, for labor-medical expertise of working capacity and workforce safety;

For this task, the FOS and the department also have:

Mthe skin base of the "National Register of occupational morbidity 2001-2008."

Laboratory Center for Research and Training in Risk Assessment, working conditions and examination of working capacity,

Contracts with leading accredited laboratories to measure the factors of the work environment and the evaluation of the work process.

Head of department


Prof. Dr. Karolina Lubomirova, MD

  • Educations;
  • Specialties;
  • Interests

Composition of the department




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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