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In line with the trends in the countries of the European Community, the perspectives in the university education in Social Medicine at the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University - Sofia are aimed at the ambitious task of preparing doctors and specialists whose qualifications are adequate to the requirements and needs of the people in the 21st century. Social medicine in medical science and modern medical education in all developed countries of the world has an obvious re-awareness and huge interest in 
Public health, to the importance of controlling diseases, their prevention and the role of the individual in shaping his health. The department provides the training of highly qualified future personnel in the disciplines of Medical Ethics and Social Medicine.

Education in Social Medicine at the Medical University - Sofia has a long tradition, following the development of the science itself during this nearly 70-year period. Currently, the Department provides training for students in the educational and qualification degree "Master" in the specialty "Medicine" at the Faculty of Medicine, including in English, for students in the educational and qualification degree "Bachelor" and "Master" in the various specialties of the Faculty of Public health, as well as the students in the educational and qualification degree "Bachelor" and "Master" in the specialty "Medical rehabilitation and occupational therapy" at the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical University - Sofia. The Department's successes in training students in the post-graduate qualification of doctors, economists, nurses and others are also significant.

The aim of the university training in Social Medicine is to develop skills for: analysis of the health status, health priorities and health needs of the population as a whole by mastering the modern methodology in the discipline; analysis of social determinants of health at the individual and population level; analysis of the health needs of the priority groups of the population and determination of the role of the socio-medical approach in the activity of the doctor in the conditions of the overall health reform.

To achieve this goal, a number of tasks are being developed, which has necessitated the use of modern and already internationally established teaching techniques and methods. Greater practical orientation in Social Medicine training is a necessary condition for increasing students' practical skills. In recent years, techniques such as solving situational tasks, introducing problem-based learning, independent work via the Internet with the WHO database for collecting and analyzing information on the health status at the population level have been increasingly advocated in university education in Social Medicine. , working in small groups on different problems, making epidemiological projects for a specific socially significant disease, making a social history of a real patient, etc. The introduction of tests to check current knowledge during the entire learning process also helps to establish a modern approach to teaching in regular and distance learning.

Head of department


Prof. Dr. Anjelika Velkova, MD

  • Educations;
  • Specialties;
  • Interests

Composition of the department




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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