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Проф. д-р Жени Стайкова, д.м.н.

Prof. Dr. Zheni Staykova, MD



He graduated from the Medical Academy "I. And. Mechnikov" in St. Petersburg in 1984. He has a specialty "Communal Hygiene" (MNIIG "FF Erisman" - Moscow, 1987) and second specialty "Social Medicine" (MU - Plovdiv, 2000). Master in Health Management (MU - Sofia, 2005) and ppublic administration - administrative practices (SU"St.Kl. Ohridski", 2014).

In 2008, he acquired a Diploma for the educational and scientific degree "Doctor" of the VAK at the Moscow State University, in 2010 - a certificate for the scientific title "Associate Professor" at the VAK at the Moscow State University. In March In 2018, he successfully defended the scientific degree "Doctor of Sciences" at the Sofia University, and since November 2018 he is a professor at MU-Sofia, Faculty of Public Health (PH), Department of "Preventive Medicine".

She worked as a resident at HEI-Kardzhali and at MNIIG of hygiene "FF Erisman" - Moscow. In the 1995 periodIn 2014, he was successively the director of HEI, RIOKOZ, RCZ and RZI c Kurdzhali and director of the National Center for Public Health and Analysis. She was the chairman and vice-chairman of the board of directors of the "Plovdiv" Medical Center, deputy manager of the "Serdika" MBPLR c Sofia, it is currently Chairman of the Board of the MBAL "St. Panteleimon-Yambol AD.

She taught at Plovdiv University and at MU – Pleven as an associate professor. OIn 2014, he was an associate professor and Professor (2018) at Medical University - Sofia, FOZ "Prof. Dr. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, PhD", Department of "Preventive Medicine". He also teaches at the University "Prof. Asen Zlatarov" Burgas.

He is the academic supervisor of graduates and doctoral students, reviewer of diploma theses in Master's programs in "Public Health and Health Management", "Health Care Management" and Dissertation Papers. Participates in scientific juries for obtaining degrees and titles, as well as in committees for auditing doctoral programs.

He is an expert in environment and health, public health and health management, prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases etc. She was the head and coordinator of a row European projectand. Uparticipates in working teams on health and hygiene and ecological assessment of infrastructure objects in Bulgaria (motorways, roads, airports etc.).

She has presented reports and scientific communications in the field of public health on forums at home and abroad. There is over 150 publications in Bulgarian and foreign publications, independently and in co-authorship, including monographs, educationalci and manuals in hygiene, health management, epidemiology of NCDs.

He is a member of the BLS, of SUB, World Organization for Environmental Epidemiology, National Association for Health Policy and Management; The Bulgarian Scientific Society for Public Health; The Bulgarian Association of Preventive Medicine; Association "Public Coalition for Health - Kardzhali".

There are many awards and diplomas for contribution to the implementation of the national health policy and achieved high successes in health care.




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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