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  • To train specialists in public health and health management with a high degree of professionalism to provide effective and adequate health care to modern requirements;
  • To provide and disseminate up-to-date knowledge in the field of health policy, health management and public health based on scientific evidence;
  • To prepare a new generation of health managers, carriers of an entrepreneurial spirit, who possess the necessary knowledge and skills to deal with the challenges of the emerging market of health services and modern health care practice;
  • To provide continuous training and methodical support to health politicians and managers to increase the quality and efficiency of their activities through the use of modern health policy and management technologies;
  • To change the traditional medico-biological image of medical knowledge and practice by introducing a multidisciplinary approach that unites and applies the methods of social cognition with those of clinical medicine.

The main goal of the Department is to introduce the largest possible number of students - graduates, doctoral students, specialists, etc. medical and non-medical professionals with the basics of the epidemiology of chronic non-communicable diseases and of preventive medicine and creating conditions for a deep understanding and awareness of the relationship between epidemiology, clinical medicine and health policy based on scientific evidence.

  1. To train health professionals in the preparation of scientific research design, formulation and proof of scientific hypotheses, determination of priority health problems and indication of ways to solve them by applying modern methods of health promotion and disease prevention, the so-called "Lifecourse / Lifespanapproach"– providing care and providing the necessary health services throughout the individual's life (from embryonic development to death).
  2. To organize courses for SDO and PMO.
  3. To conduct research work.
  4. To issue teaching aids and materials.
  5. To participate in the development of National preventive programs.
  6. To participate in the organization and implementation of international and national events and projects in the field of preventive medicine

Head of department

Prof. Krasimir Vizev, Ph.D

Krasimir Vizev

Composition of the department




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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