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Гл. ас. д-р Николета Стергиос Левенти, дм

Ch. Assistant Dr. Nicoleta Stergios Leventi, Dr


Ch. assistant Dr. Nicoleta Stergios Leventi, MD was born in Greece, where she completed her secondary education. In 1995 Dr. Leventi graduated in medicine from the Higher Medical Institute - Sofia. He holds a specialty in "Ocular Diseases", obtained from the Medical Center "Papanikolou" - Thessaloniki, Greece in 2006. In 2015. completed a certified course at the University of Utrecht - the Netherlands, in the field of Healthcare Leadership. Acquired Master's degree in Health Management in 2016. from MU – Varna. Dr. Leventi in 2018. participated in the McMaster University Workshop on Evidence-Based Clinical Practice in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. In 2019 defended a dissertation on the topic "Introduction of evidence-based medicine (EBM) in the education of medical professionals in Bulgaria, opportunities and challenges" and obtained the ONS "Doctor of Social Medicine and the Organization of Health Care and Pharmacy". He holds a master's degree in the specialty "Management of clinical trials" from the Faculty of Health, MU - Sofia from 2020, with a defended diploma thesis on the topic "Innovative information technologies in clinical trials - ethical aspects". Participated in 2021 in the summer course "Ethics in the care of people with dementia", of the Center for Biomedical Ethics and Law, Louvain - Belgium.  

Her professional medical experience began in 1996. until 1999 in Greece, as a trainee doctor. After acquiring his clinical specialty in 2007. and until 2014 works as a doctor in his specialty in Greece. In 2014 registered with the Bulgarian Medical Union. In 2016, he held the position of assistant in the Department of Health Technology Assessment (HST). to FOZ, MU - Sofia. In 2020 holds the position of chief assistant in the Department of OCT at the Faculty of Public Health "Prof. Dr. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, PhD", MU - Sofia. 

Publications and scientific interests:

Dr. Nicoleta Leventi participates in scientific publications in Greek, Bulgarian and international publications. The main topics of scientific developments are related to MOD, medical ethics, bioethics, leadership in health care, as well as to his specialty ophthalmology. Participates in international congresses, symposia, forums and conferences. There are more than 20 publications, more than 15 participations in scientific developments, as well as one monograph on "MOD application in modern medicine and ethical aspects".

Membership in organizations:

Member of:

  • Greek Medical Union - Serres District College
  • Bulgarian Medical Association - Metropolitan College
  • International Society For Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR)
  • Bulgarian Scientific Society for Public Health


Chief Assistant Professor Dr. Nicoleta Stergios Leventi, PhD, MD, MPH, MCTM was born in Greece, where she completed her secondary education. In 1995 Dr. Leventi graduated from the Higher Medical Institute - Sofia, where she acquired a Master's degree in "Medicine". She has a specialty in ophthalmology, acquired by "G. Papanicolaou" General Hospital - Thessaloniki, Greece in 2006. In 2015 she completed a certified course at the University of Utrecht - the Netherlands, in the field of Health Leadership. Acquired a Master's degree in Health Management in 2016, from MU – Varna. Participated in McMaster University's Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Seminar in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada in 2018. In 2019 defended her dissertation on the "Introduction of evidence-based medicine (EBM) in the education of medical professionals in Bulgaria, opportunities and challenges" and acquired the educational and scientific degree of PhD in "Social Medicine and organization of health and pharmacy". She holds a master's degree in "Clinical Trials Management", since 2020, from the Faculty of Public Health, MU - Sofia, where she defended a thesis on "Innovative information technologies in clinical trials - ethical aspects". In 2021 participated in the summer course "Ethics in the care of people with dementia", organized by the Center for Biomedical Ethics and Law, Leuven - Belgium.

Her professional medical experience began in 1996, as a doctor. After acquiring her clinical specialty in 2007, and until 2014 she worked as an ophthalmologist in Greece. In 2014 it was registered in the Bulgarian Medical Association. She held the position of assistant professor in the Department of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) in 2016 in the Faculty of Public Health, MU – Sofia. Since 2020 she holds the position of Chief Assistant Professor in the Department of HTA at the Faculty of Public Health "Prof. Dr. Tzecomir Vodenicharov", MU - Sofia.

Publications and research interests:

Dr. Nicoleta Leventi participates in scientific publications in Greek, Bulgarian and international editions. The main topics of research are related to EBM, medical ethics, bioethics, leadership in health care, as well as her specialty ophthalmology. Participates in international congresses, symposia, forums and conferences. She has over 20 publications, over 15 participations in research, as well as a monograph on "EBM application in modern medicine and ethical aspects."

Membership in organizations:

Member of:

  • Greek Medical Association – Department of Serres
  • Bulgarian Medical Association – Department of Sofia
  • International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR)
  • Bulgarian Scientific Society of Public Health




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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