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Проф. Полина Балканска - Георгиева, дм

Prof. Polina Balkanska - Georgieva, dm



Polina Balkanska graduated from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" in 1980. After graduation, he was a part-time assistant at the University's Faculty of Philosophy. Her professional development at Medical University - Sofia began in 1984, when she was appointed as a psychologist at the Clinical Center for Endocrinology and Gerontology. Until 2001, he was successively a research associate III, II, I degree. In 1999, he obtained the educational and scientific degree "Doctor" in the scientific specialty "Social medicine and organization of health care and pharmacy". He has recognized specialties in clinical psychology and in medical pedagogy, acquired at the Medical University - Sofia. Participates in short-term specializations at home and abroad. In the period 2002 - 2014, he held the following academic positions: "Chief Assistant"; "Docent" and "Professor" in the "Medical Pedagogy" Department of the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University - Sofia. He is a leading teacher in psychology, applied psychology, communication training, managerial communication techniques and skills. He is the scientific supervisor of doctoral students, specialists and graduates. He is a member of the State Examination Commission for obtaining a specialty in Medical Pedagogy. actively participates in the development of research projects on current topics in the field of public health and medical education. Since 1995, when he realized as a leader his first project, with which he won a competition for funding from the Open Society Foundation, until now he has participated and/or led 14 national and European research projects in the field of public health. He is the leader of 2 scientific projects funded by the Medical Science Council and won a Highly Commended Grant. He is an expert at the European Field of Researchers in the field of aging. Consultant of the "Compassion Alzheimer Bulgaria" Foundation, member of the World Alzheimer's Disease International and the European Alzheimer organizations. Since 2016, he has been an expert in the "Accreditation" sector of the "Science and Accreditation" department at the Rectorate of the MU - Sofia.

 With the decision of the Academic Council dated 23.07.2019, she was elected as the director of the Department of Language Education and Sports at the Medical University - Sofia.

Publications and scientific interests:

He is the author of the textbooks "Introduction to Psychology", "Applied Psychology in Medical Practice", "Psychological Approaches in Health Management" and the monographs "The Health Manager as a Leader" (on CD) and "The Elderly as a Patient". Clinical gerontopsychology”. He is the co-author of 6 textbooks and manuals. The total number of her scientific works and appearances in national and foreign forums is over 340 /publications and scientific announcements/. Her main areas of professional interest are: medical psychology, gerontopsychology, communication psychology, organizational behavior, health management, psychological counseling and therapy.  

Membership in organizations:

National Association for Health Policy and Management, Scientific Society for Medical Education, Interdisciplinary Civic Academy, National Association for Social Gerontology.




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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