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Проф. Иванка Костова Стамболова, дм

Prof. Ivanka Kostova Stambolova, dm


Professor Ivanka Stambolova has been working in the Department of "Health Care" of the Ministry of Health "Prof. Dr. Ts. Vodenicharov, PhD" at the Sofia University since 1996.

Graduated from Varna Medical College in 1982, "children's nurse" profile. In 1990, he graduated from the Faculty of Biology of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"-OKS "master", majoring in biology. He worked as a teacher in the "Nursing" profile of Varna Medical College in the period 1991-1996. From 1996, after a competition, he joined the "Faculty of Public Health" of Sofia University as an assistant. In 2001, there was a recognized specialty in "Medical Informatics and Health Management". He obtained a second master's degree in Public Health and Health Management in 2003 at the Sofia University. She specialized in Health Care Management under the PHAR Program Project at Public Hospitals Paris. He has a doctoral thesis defended before the VAK on the topic: "Organizational aspects of nursing care in primary health care" in 2007. Since 2010, he has been an associate professor and in the period 2010-2014. is the head of the "Health Care" department. Since 2015 holds the academic position of "professor" in the same department.

 He teaches students in the field of "Health Care" and "Public Health" in the master's and bachelor's programs at the Faculty of Public Health at the Sofia University. 

Scientific supervisor of doctoral students and more than 70 master's graduates. He is a scientific consultant to 12 successfully defended doctoral students. Prof. Stamboloa has contributed to curriculum development and e-learning in healthcare and public health.

Prof. Stambolova is the author and co-author of more than 180 scientific publications at home and abroad, 2 monographs, 9 textbooks and study aids. Prof. Stambolova's scientific works have over 500 citations, incl. by foreign authors.

Prof. Stambolova's scientific output is in the field of theoretical foundations and philosophy of nursing, health care for somatic, infectious and mental diseases, health projects. . Prof. Stambolova is one of the founders of the study discipline "Management of health care" in Bulgaria, introduced in 1996. for the first time at Sofia University. Prof. Stambolova has made a significant scientific contribution to the study of the organization and management of health care in outpatient medical care, the quality and efficiency of health care and their management in accordance with the development of medical science and technology, ethics and health legislation in our country and the EU countries.

Prof. Stambolova is a member of the editorial board of the magazine "Sestrinsko delo" and a scientific consultant of the magazine "Health Care". She was a deputy. Chairman of the NSC of BAPZG, and currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Bulgarian Association of Healthcare Professionals. Winner of the prestigious "Lesis Kepra" award for contribution to the development of nursing in Bulgaria.

Prof. Stambolova is a member of the Bulgarian Association of Health Care Professionals. She is a long-term expert on the quality of professional training and education at the National Academy of Medical Sciences.




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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