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Проф. Галина Стамова Чанева дм

Prof. Galina Stamova Chaneva dm


Prof. Galina Stamova Chaneva, MD – head of the Department of Health Care at the Health and Welfare Institute "Prof. Dr. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, Ph.D." of MU - Sofia. Prof. G. Chaneva, PhD, was appointed as an assistant at MU-Sofia in 1996. In 2007, he defended his PhD in the field of "Social medicine and organization of health care and pharmacy" on the topic "Quality of nursing care in the hospital". He acquired the scientific title "Docent" in 2008 from the Higher Attestation Commission. In 2015, he held the academic position of "Professor" at the Faculty of Public Health of the Sofia University. He acquired a specialty in "Medical Informatics and Health Management" in 2002 at the Sofia University. He holds a certificate from the Bulgarian Association of Health Care Professionals - 2012.

He is the head of five scientific research projects funded by the Medical Science Council of MU-Sofia. He has over 200 publications and 250 citations. The areas and directions of scientific research are: the quality of health care; the quality of nursing education; health care management; the effectiveness of health care management and the problems of specialized nursing care.

He is a member of: the National Quality Council of the Bulgarian Association of Healthcare Professionals; Bulgarian Scientific Society of Public Health; Bulgarian Society for Medical Education.

He is a member of the editorial boards of the magazine "Nursing" and "Health Care".

Awards: Certificate of Merit to Nursing Sciences from the Bulgarian Association of Health Care Professionals; badge of honor "SIGNUM LAUDIS" on a ribbon from MU-Sofia.




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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