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General Assembly

The General Assembly (AG) of the Faculty of Public Health is a collective governing body of the faculty.

The Board of Directors consists of the members of the academic staff of the Sofia University, representatives of the administrative staff, students and doctoral students in the faculty. The members of the academic staff are at least 75%, and the representatives of doctoral students and students - at least 15% from the composition of the OS.

The structural and numerical composition of the Board of Directors and the order for electing the representatives according to quotas are determined by the current Faculty Council (FC).

The dean and vice-deans cannot be elected chairman and vice-chairman of the OS.

The General Assembly has the following main powers:

  • It elects by secret ballot for the term of its mandate from its qualified members the chairman and vice-chairman of the General Assembly;
  • Elects by secret ballot a habilitated person as Dean of the Faculty;
  • Determines the structural and numerical composition of the Faculty Council and elects them by secret ballot. The Dean is by right a member of the Faculty Council;
  • Accepts the Dean's annual report on the Faculty's activities and on the development of the academic staff
  • Discusses, changes and cancels decisions of the Dean or the Faculty Council;
  • Makes decisions about the future work of the Faculty.

The General Assembly convenes at least once a year. The general assembly is convened by its chairman with a proposal for the agenda:

  1. At the request of FS;
  2. At the request of the Dean;
  3. At the written request of at least 1/4 of its members, within 14 days of submitting the request to the chairman of the General Assembly;
  4. At the Rector's request.

The General Assembly is legal if at least 2/3 of its reduced composition /quorum/ is present. If there is no quorum on the announced date, within one week, but not earlier than 3 days, a new meeting is scheduled. It is legal if its members are regularly invited and not less than half of the roster is present.

Dean and Council of Deans

The Dean has the following main powers and duties:

  • Represents the Faculty and manages it in accordance with the laws, the rules of the MU - Sofia, the decision-making of the educational activities in the Faculty;
  • Ensures and supervises the conduct of educational activities at the Faculty;
  • Resolves student issues or brings them up for discussion in The Dean's Council;
  • Organizes and directs the preparation, adoption and approval of study plans and curricula;
  • Responsible for the development of a strategy for scientific and educational development of the Faculty in areas corresponding to the profile of the Faculty;
  • Controls and supports the overall activity carried out within the Faculty;
  • Assists in the professional development of the academic staff and other staff;
  • Organizes the timely development and publication of educational literature;
  • Disposes of the financial and material resources provided to the Faculty;
  • Sign or approve the documentation issued by the Faculty;
  • Issue internal faculty orders;

In his activity The Dean is assisted by an advisory body Dean's Council /deputy deans, chief accountant, head of office/ and extended dean's council /Dean's Council and the heads of departments/.

Faculty Council

The Faculty Council (FC) is a collective body for the management of the Faculty, consisting of at least 25 members and including representatives of the academic staff of MU - Sofia, students and doctoral students. Not less than 3/4 of its members are qualified persons. Deputy the deans, the heads of departments and the heads of scientific units of faculty subordination, who are not members of FS, participate in its meetings with an advisory vote.

Chairman of The faculty council is the Dean.Secretary is the head of the faculty office unless FS don't decide otherwise.

The faculty council convened by the Dean with a proposal for the agenda:

  1. At least twice per semester;
  2. At the written request of at least 1/4 of its members, within 14 days from the filing of the request;
  3. At the Rector's request;

The faculty council forms the guidelines of educational, scientific and personnel activities and the development of the material base.

The faculty council has the following powers:

  • Elects by secret ballot the deputy deans and approves the heads of departments chosen by the departmental councils; the proposal for the number and candidacies of deputy deans is made by the Dean;
  • Makes a proposal to the Academic Council of the MU - Sofia to open, transform or close structural units of the Faculty, as well as majors and specializations, and to announce competitions to fill its academic staff; Decisions on these proposals are made by a simple majority of the list composition;
  • Takes decisions on the educational activities of the Faculty;
  • Accepts qualification characteristics and study plans, makes decisions on changes to them within the powers granted to it by the Academic Council, and accepts and approves study programs;
  • Discusses and approves the allocation of financial and material resources;
  • Takes decisions on filling and professional improvement of the faculty's academic staff, including through competitions, doctoral studies, specializations, etc.;
  • The habilitated members of the Faculty Council hold elections by secret ballot for awarding scientific titles, if they have such rights;
  • Takes decisions by secret ballot on the announcement of competitions, enrollment and training of doctoral students;
  • Discusses plans for publishing textbooks and teaching aids; carries out procedures for their printing in accordance with the regulations adopted by the Academic Council;
  • Discusses and accepts the results of the attestation of the members of the academic staff and, if necessary, proposes them to Rekotar for a decision;
  • Annually approves and controls the academic workload of members of the academic staff, as well as its scientific output;
  • Elects permanent and temporary committees and other auxiliary bodies and determines their functions;
  • Makes a proposal to the Academic Council (AC) for the continuation of the employment contract of qualified teachers according to paragraph 11 of the PZR of the Higher Education Institution;
  • Proposes to the Rector for the dismissal of members of the academic staff: at their request; when they cannot be provided with teaching activities and there are no opportunities for transfer or retraining in a related scientific discipline; in case of proven plagiarism in scientific works; in case of two consecutive negative attestations; when committing offenses that give grounds for disciplinary dismissal.
  • The meeting of The faculty council is legal if at least 2/3 of his reduced roster is present. Voting is clear, except for the election of executive positions and if The faculty council don't decide otherwise. Meetings are recorded. The minutes of the meetings are published on the Faculty's website, unless the FS decides otherwise.

The faculty council begins its activity after electing at least 2/3 of its composition in compliance with the requirements for its structure, which is considered a list composition of FS.

Faculty Council

The Faculty Council (CS) of a department consists of all members of its academic staff.

CS is convened and presided over by the Head of the Department or at the written request of at least ¼ of its members, within 14 days of the submission of the request, as well as at the request of the Dean. The meeting of The Faculty Council is legal if at least 2/3 of those entitled to vote are present. The roster of The Faculty Council is reduced with those absent due to illness or abroad, but not more than ¼ of its members. If there is no quorum on the announced date, a new meeting is scheduled within one week.

The Faculty Council has the following powers:

  • Selects by secret ballot and proposes to the council of the main unit for approval the Head of Department;
  • Assigns educational activities to the academic staff, is responsible for the development of this staff, for the quality of the educational process and for the material base of the department;
  • Develops curricula and programs;
  • Makes proposals for publishing textbooks and teaching aids;
  • Discusses and stimulates the scientific activity of the department;
  • Conducts scientific seminars;
  • Discusses the professional development of the members of the department and makes proposals to the council of the main unit for competitions to fill the academic staff;
  • Makes proposals for promotion, for announcing competitions for receiving scientific titles and for enrollment in doctoral studies;
  • Conducts internal defenses of dissertation works; discusses individual plans and reports of PhD students and specialists; makes suggestions for the selection of reviewers;
  • Makes decisions on the use of the provided financial and material resources;
  • Discusses the discipline and academic ethics of the members of the department and, if necessary, comes up with proposals;
  • Adopt internal rules;
  • Elects permanent and temporary committees and other auxiliary bodies and determines their functions;
  • Makes a proposal to the FS for the opening and closing of structural units by a professor or specialties and specializations, as well as for the continuation of the employment contract of qualified teachers under paragraph 11 of the PZR of the Higher Education Institution. Decisions on this point are made by a simple majority (> 50%) of the list composition of the CC.




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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