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  • from 18.09.2024г. to 20.09.2024, from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.


1. За „бакалавър“ – оригинална диплома за завършено средно образование.
2. За „магистър“ – оригинална диплома за завършена предходна степен на висше
образование и диплома за средно образование
(Дипломите са необходими за сверяване,
след което се връщат)
3. Лична карта;
4. Студентска книжказакупува се НА МЯСТО в момента на записване, налична е във
Факултета по обществено здраве;
5. Именник – 1 бр. (получава се НА МЯСТО при записване и се попълва);
6. Студентът попълва декларация, че не се обучава в друг държавен университет за
придобиване на същата или по-ниска образователно-квалификационна степен, съгласно
изискванията на чл.91, ал.7, т.2 от Закона за висше образование – 1 бр. (формулярът се
получава и попълва НА МЯСТО при записване
7. Pictures – 4 бр. (с размер за лична карта);
8. Медицинско свидетелство, издадено от личния лекар по съответния ред; (Не се изисква
медицински документ от психодиспансер)
9. Уверения, ако са необходими на студента;
10. Платежно нареждане for first semester fee paid. Заплаща се по банков път на
сметката на Факултета по обществено здраве. In the payment order задължително се
изписват трите имена и специалността, в която лицето ще се обучава

Банкова сметка на Факултет по обществено здраве „Проф. д-р Цекомир Воденичаров, дмн“:


IBAN: BG 47 BPBI 79403163982101, BIC: BPBIBGSF

*Regarding tuition fees:

DO NOT PAY fees in advance before you are sure you are accepted!

Please note that pthe charges listed below are ANNUAL.

When submitting the documents for enrollment, a payment order is required half amount – for the first semester of study.

Annual tuition fees for OCS "Bachelor" majors:

Annual tuition fees for OCS "Master's" specialties:

Submission of documents online (will be activated on 17.06.2024.)

Submission of documents on the spot:

  1. The system generates the necessary forms - Application and Declaration according to a template, valid only for the Health and Medical Center at the Sofia University.

  1. Each applicant student brings the original diplomas and a photocopy  of them: for complete secondary education and/or diploma for completed previous degree of higher education, depending on the application requirements for the relevant major. The photocopy it is not necessary to be notarized. After verification, the original diplomas are returned. (see Application Guide)

  1. Payment order for paid fee. Fees for taking exams, as well as those for document processing, can be found in the "Study Fees" section.

The amount is transferred only by bank transfer to the account of the Faculty of Public Health "prof. Dr. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, PhD". A copy of the payment slip is brought on the day of submission of the documents. In the payment order from the bank mandatory the three names on the ID card and the specialty applied for are written.

Bank account:

BG47BPBI79403163982101, BIC: BPBIBGSF,


Deposited fees for candidate student exams are not refundable!

*Note: From application fee (art. 68, para. 3, items 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the ZVO) are released after presenting all up-to-date documents: circular orphans; persons with permanent disabilities and reduced working capacity of 70 and over 70 percent; war disabled and war injured; persons brought up to adulthood in homes for children deprived of parental care. Half-orphans pay 50% of the application fee.

  1. To restore student rights confirmation from the relevant higher education institution is required;

  1. When ranking the candidate students by major according to Art. 68, para. 3, (items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) of the Higher Education Act  compete with each other for a certain number of places for regular admission. The distribution of places for all specialties in both professional areas  7.5. Health care and 7.4. Public Health are published in the Application Guide.

  1. Documents for candidate students under Art. 68, para. 3 (items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) of the Law on Higher Education*: Candidate-students from the specified categories attach the originals of their documents for verification, as well as photocopies of them - death certificate and certificate of heirs; expert decision of TELC (with a stamp for an effective decision), birth certificates of children and other necessary documents.

*Documents under Art. 68, para. 3 of the higher education institutions, which are not submitted as an attachment to the application, cannot be submitted additionally and will not be recognized at a later stage!

7. The procedure for candidate students who have completed secondary or higher education abroad  in accordance with the Higher Education Act (HEA) and the Ordinance on the state requirements for admission of students to higher education institutions of the Republic of Bulgaria are published in The application guide.

8. When submitting the documents on the spot each student applicant receives entrance number, place and time of the exam.

9. Vazhno for submission of documents online: The successful registration in the system and sending of your documents IT DOES NOT MEAN, that you have been approved for an exam or placement.

This is followed by their review and approval by an expert in the specialty for which you are applying.

Your registration is complete only after you have received a message in your e-mail with the text: "Approved applicant" and get your personal login number.

*If you do not receive the above message within two days of submitting your documents, please contact us at the contact numbers!




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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