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Academician Vladimir Ovcharov reveals the secrets of longevity in his new book

Akad. Vladimir Ovcharov razkriva taynite na dalgoletieto v novata si kniga, snimka ot aulata

Academician Vladimir Ovcharov presented his new book entitled "Aging and Longevity" at a special event organized by the Faculty of Public Health "Prof. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, dmn". The presentation took place on 28.05.24. in the Auditorium of UMBAL "Tsaritsa Yoanna-ISUL" in the presence of many distinguished guests, among them the rector of Sofia University Prof. Boycho Landzhov, the patron of FOZ Prof. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, deans of faculties and others.

Akad. Vladimir Ovcharov razkriva taynite na dalgoletieto v novata si kniga, prof. Vodenicharova i akad. Ovcharov

Prof. Alexandrina Vodenicharova, dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and host of the event, welcomed the attendees, pointing out that Academician Ovcharov is an emblematic person and proof that eternal youth exists. She expressed confidence in the success of his new book, which she described as an extremely meaningful and exciting read.

Rector Prof. Lanzhov also congratulated the author, noting that the work is a continuation of his long creative path as a scientist looking for the mysteries of the human organism, influencing the course of life.

Akad. Vladimir Ovcharov razkriva taynite na dalgoletieto v novata si kniga, prof. Lyubomirova

The book "Aging and Longevity" examines longevity in two aspects - duration and quality of life. Structured academically, it analyzes world population growth as a result of increased life expectancy and the consequences of a large number of elderly people on global development.

The author dwells on the causes of the aging of the human organism and the various scientific theories over the years. With precision, he also outlines the age-related changes in every system of the human body.

Academician Ovcharov's new book is available for purchase at Zahari Stoyanov publishing house bookstores




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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