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AGILITY – Innovative training for pediatric nurses

AGILITY - Inovativno obuchenie za pediatrichni sestri, glavno izobrazhenie

The AGILITY Improving Training for Nursing Clinical Pathways project is funded by Erasmus+ with the number 2022-1-EL01-KA210-VET-000084284. 

Its main goal is to create new approaches, materials and tools for training pediatric nurses in remote areas of the country – Greece and Bulgaria. It is part of a Regional Network for ICT-based training proposals in the field. 

The project will utilize the expertise and experience of academic institutions, and pilot training will be conducted through the created application.

The main objectives of the AGILITY project are:

  • Addressing the existing challenges of distance learning delivery and the specific challenges of professional training along a pre-established clinical pathway.
  • Incorporating Information and Communication Technologies into the professional training of registered pediatric nurses.
  • Development of digital content to cover the theoretical foundations of clinical pathway training for specific diseases and patient conditions.

The project team created a pilot course of training modules for pediatric nurses, consisting of 4 theoretical modules and 4 simulation modules.

The course modules focus on a specific clinical condition. However, while designed to provide specific and comprehensive training, each module has its own learning objectives to allow them to be combined to form other trainings.

The modules are developed based on the principles of Open Education, as reusable educational resources that can be reused in different activities, modules and e-learning courses in the future.

The pilot training in Bulgaria was conducted among 12 nurses working in pediatric wards in remote areas of the country.

The project coordinator is the Hellenic Pediatric Nursing Association, Athens, Greece, with partners the University of Athens (Greece) and the Medical University – Sofia.

You can find more information here:




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