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Проф. Силвия Младенова Младенова , дм

Prof. Silvia Mladenova Mladenova, d.m


Silvia Mladenova Mladenova is a professor, Doctor of Medicine at the Faculty of Public Health of the Medical University - Sofia. She was born in Sofia, graduated from "Social Pedagogy" at SU "St. Kliment Ohridski" and a master's degree in Public Health and Health Management at the MU - Sofia. Since 2003 has a recognized specialty "Medical Pedagogy". He was successively an assistant, senior assistant, chief assistant, associate professor and professor in the Department of "Medical Pedagogy"    

She specialized in the PHAR program at the school for senior hospital staff at the Public Health Hospitals - Marseille and Paris, France and at the University of Athens, Greece in the intensive program "Management of medical services. Administration and Public Health”.

She participated in projects under the "PHAR" program, the "Tempus" program, the World Bank project "Development of a curriculum for general practice management and health promotion", Access "Home care" of the BRC, etc.

Participated in several research projects that won a Grant and were funded by the Medical Science Council.

It is included in the teaching methodology of training in practice in the specialties of the professional field "Health Care", principles and methodology of training, medical pedagogy, nursing care for children and adults with disabilities, nursing care in pediatrics, etc. He is the head of the state pre-diploma internship in pedagogy for students majoring in "Health Care Management".

He is the supervisor of doctoral students in "Social medicine and organization of health care and pharmacy" and of specialists in "Medical pedagogy".

Her professional interests are in teaching methodology, medical pedagogy, health education, personalized medicine and ethical aspects of its application. 

Participates in the editorial board of the magazine "Sestrinsko delo" and "Health care".

Two monographs "Health Education" and "Personalized Medicine: Challenges, Expectations, Possibilities" have been published. He is the author and co-author of more than 150 publications, 24 textbooks and study guides, he has more than 300 citations.

Member of the National Quality Council of the Bulgarian Association of Healthcare Professionals; Bulgarian Scientific Society of Public Health; Bulgarian Society for Medical Education.

He has been an expert at the National Agency for Assessment and Accreditation in the professional fields of "Public Health" and "Health Care" since 2010.





City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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