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Проф. д-р Красимир Визев, дмн

Prof. Krasimir Vizev, Ph.D



Prof. Dr. Krasimir Vizev graduated from the Medical University of Sofia. He worked as an assistant, senior and chief assistant at the National Institute of Health and Social Sciences - Sofia. Since 2013 he has held the position of Deputy Dean and Head of the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Faculty of Public Health "Prof. Dr. Ts. Vodenicharov, MD", Medical University - Sofia. He defended 2 dissertations: "Biological age as a medical and social problem" and "Social and health aspects of premature aging and its prevention", obtaining the scientific degree "Doctor of Sciences". Since 2010 he has been an associate professor, and since 2014 a professor at the Faculty of Public Health "Prof. Dr. Ts. Vodenicharov, MD". 

Prof. Dr. Kr. Vizev has 4 recognized specialties: "Internal Medicine", "Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases"; "Social Medicine and Health Management", "Social Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine" - British Council, United Kingdom, as well as from the International Institute of Aging, Malta -WHO, United Nations./ Author and co-author of 2 monographs, a Study Guide for Students and over 200 scientific publications in the field of prevention of premature aging, social and health problems of the elderly, in the field of public health with multiple citations in our and foreign journals and a high IF. 

He has completed numerous qualification courses and specializations in various European and world university scientific bases. He develops educational and national preventive programs for the protection of public and individual health. He participates in numerous national and world academic forums, in scientific research projects with significant contributions. Scientific supervisor of doctoral students, graduate students and specialists, of foreign students under the Erasmus program. Prof. Dr. Krasimir Vizev, MD teaches medical students, specialties under the OZZM and UZG, /physician assistants, nurses, midwives, kinesitherapists, as well as under the SDO/; Chairman and member of state, semester and candidate student committees; reviewer in scientific juries. National consultant in geriatric medicine, member of expert committees and accreditation to the Ministry of Health. 

Founder and Chairman of the National Association of Gerontology, Scientific Secretary at the Scientific Center for Medicine of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Member of over 14 national, international and global scientific organizations. Member of editorial boards of authoritative national and international scientific journals. Awarded with "Panacea" - 2020 for significant achievements in teaching, scientific, and expert activities, as well as other prestigious awards. He speaks three foreign languages.




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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