e-mail: s.velikov@foz.mu-sofia.bg
Prof. Dr. Stefan Kolev Velikov graduated from Technical University - Sofia, Faculty of Engineering - Pedagogy in 1997. He works as a teacher at the Technical School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics «Maria Sk. Curie" and at Prirodo Mathematical High School, Sliven, from 1997 to 1999. In the period of 1999 – 2007 after a competition, he was successively appointed as an assistant and chief assistant at the Technical College - Sliven. In 2008, he obtained the educational and scientific degree "doctor" in the scientific specialty "Systems with artificial intelligence" based on a defended dissertation in the field of neural networks. Since 2014 after a competition, he was appointed as an assistant at the Department of "Assessment of Health Technologies".
He participates in the teaching activities of students from FOZ in the following disciplines - "Introduction to the assessment of health technologies", "Introduction to biostatistics and analytical modeling", "Informatics and information technologies in health care", "Electronic health care. Real-Time Digital Monitoring", "Analytical Modeling",
Participant in the research teams in the development of "GRANT" projects at the Medical University - Sofia, financed by the Medical Science Council.
Publications and scientific interests:
Author of over 50 publications in the field of computing, health management, socio-economic issues, health care economics, education, training and information technology in health care, etc., including two monographs, one of which is co-authored.
Professional interests are in Computational Intelligence and its use in medicine including: Modeling, Decision Making, Image Recognition, Expert Systems, Genetic Algorithms, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Sets and Intelligent Agents in Distributed Environments.
e-mail: press@foz.mu-sofia.bg
City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5,
phone 02 9432 127
e-mail: fph@foz.mu-sofia.bg