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Доц. д-р Борислав Николаев Борисов дмн

Prof. Dr. Borislav Nikolaev Borisov dmn


Dr. Borislav Borisov graduated in medicine at VMI - Sofia. Until 1998, he worked as an anesthesiologist at VMI - Sofia and La Pitie Salpetrier, Paris. Also specializes in Addenbrooks, Cambridge. He acquired a specialty in anesthesiology and intensive care in 1995 and in 1997. is defending a PhD in the field of parenteral nutrition and nutritional status. He was involved in the creation of the Medicines Executive Agency and worked there until 2004, after which he began international consulting activities in the field of drug regulation and health technology assessment. Since 2010, he has been leading international medical centers for clinical trials.

He holds master's degrees in business administration and health management. In 2018, he acquired the educational and scientific degree "Doctor of Sciences" and since January 2020 he is an associate professor in the Department of "Health Technology Assessment" at the Faculty of Health, Medical University - Sofia.

Author of 2 monographs, co-author of 3 textbooks and 2 studies. Author and co-author of >50 publications, most of which are in international indexed and refereed journals. It has been cited over 300 times in Scopus and Web of Science.

From 2016 to 2019, he was elected as a Member of the Board of the Bulgarian Association for Clinical Studies, BACP. Since 2019, he is the Chairman of the Board of the BAKP.




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phone 02 9432 127


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