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The doctoral program expands the connections between higher education and the areas of health care research from various healthcare structures, as well as providing specialists competent in solving health care problems through the application of scientific methods, approaches, and tools.

The significance and relevance of the scientific specialty "Healthcare in the Healthcare System" is of particular importance for components of the healthcare system. 

They are determined by:

  • The priorities of higher education and science in the country
  • The priorities and goals of healthcare in the country
  • Public need for prepared and qualified specialists with an educational and scientific degree of "doctor" in the field of healthcare
  • The need for research-based, evidence-based healthcare development

Objective of the doctoral program

The aim of the doctoral program in the scientific specialty "Healthcare in the Health Care System" is for doctoral students to acquire theoretical knowledge, practical skills and competencies for the application of scientific research methods in the field of promotional, preventive, curative and rehabilitation healthcare, for the detection and resolution of
of organizational and management problems in the healthcare system through scientific methods.

Tasks of the doctoral program

During the doctoral program, through an individual training plan, knowledge is acquired, practical skills, intellectual qualities are developed, and competencies are created, as follows:

Mastering in-depth systematized knowledge of general research methodology and specific methodological knowledge in the field, which will enable doctoral students to become qualified researchers, with the highest degree of knowledge and understanding, capable of conducting independent research in accordance with the principles of good practices in the field of healthcare, public health, healthcare organization and management.

General and specialized knowledge of the principles and methods of scientific research

  • Methodology of scientific research – essence of the scientific method, basic terminology of scientific research, scientific problem and hypothesis; cognitive, conceptual and theoretical context of the research;
  • Specific characteristics of scientific research in health care and healthcare;
  • Ethical principles of scientific research;
  • Ethical principles of scientific research involving human subjects;
  • Ethical issues of scientific research and practice in the field of healthcare and public health;
  • Research design – choice of setting, types of design, control of external and internal factors; validity of results;
  • Measurement and data collection methods;
  • Application of sociological methods for collecting information in research in the field of health care and healthcare;
  • Methods for analyzing research data – quantitative and qualitative statistical methods; methods for testing hypotheses; integration of quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis;
  • Biostatistical methods for data analysis and evaluation in health care and healthcare;
  • Methods for oral and written scientific communication; preparation of a scientific abstract, literature review and original scientific article.
  • Principles and basic requirements for preparing a doctoral dissertation;
  • Principles and requirements for preparing proposals for a scientific research project, implementing and managing scientific projects.

Career opportunities for graduates of the Doctoral Program

Doctoral students who successfully complete the doctoral program in "Health Care in the Healthcare System" acquire knowledge and competencies that give them opportunities for realization in the following institutions and professional positions:

1. Academic and research institutions


  • University lecturers – senior assistants, associate professors, professors, scientists, researchers, analysts, experts, consultants, managers, leaders and team members of international and national research projects in the field of healthcare.

2. State and public institutions


  • Analysts, experts, consultants, researchers, healthcare administrators, managers, leaders and team members of international and national projects in all areas of healthcare.

3. Medical facilities


  • Analysts, experts, managers, members of management teams, administrators.

4. Private sector


  • Experts, consultants, analysts, administrators, researchers, managers and team members of international and national projects in the field of healthcare.

5. Non-governmental organizations


  • Analysts, experts, consultants, researchers, managers.




City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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