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MU - Sofia accepts and conducts training in the educational-scientific degree "doctor" in accredited specialties in the fields of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and public health.

The forms of preparation are:

  • Regular PhD - with a minimum term for conducting the doctoral studies up to three years after obtaining the master's degree;
  • Correspondence doctoral studies  with a minimum preparation period of up to four years after obtaining the master's degree;
  • Doctorate through self-study – training is provided in accordance with the other two forms of training - with a minimum period of training of up to 3 years after obtaining the master's degree;

Bulgarian and foreign citizens holding a Master's degree can apply for the Doctorate degree at the Sofia University, according to the rules and regulations established by the laws in force in the country.

The admission and training of doctoral students at the Sofia University is carried out according to:

  • The state requirements specified in the current Ordinance on the state requirements for the admission and training of doctoral students;
  • Rules of the MU - Sofia for applying for and conducting doctoral studies and the free development of a dissertation work, approved by the AC.

The preparation of doctoral students at the Sofia University is organized and coordinated by the "Scientific-Organizational" department of the Rectorate and the relevant departments of the Dean's offices of the faculties. The original documentation in the course of the doctoral studies is kept in the Rector's Office, and copies of it in the Dean's Office.

Foreigners can be accepted as full-time, part-time and freelance doctoral students at the Sofia University in the following cases:

  • In implementation of intergovernmental agreements on educational, scientific and cultural exchange;
  • According to an act of the MC;
  • For a fee;
  • No payment when they are children of staff members of diplomatic and consular missions accredited in the Republic of Bulgaria.

Foreign citizens can be enrolled in doctoral studies after successfully completing the preparatory course in Bulgarian at the Department of Language Education.

Their training can also be conducted in a foreign language; exceptionally, the defense of the dissertation can be conducted in a foreign language.

Full-time doctoral students, after receiving an enrollment order, have the right to be enrolled on the basis of the successful competitive examination for doctoral studies and to conduct a paid specialization. The fee for the latter is paid from the second academic year and its amount is determined by the Rector of MU - Sofia





City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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