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Global database on occupational safety and health legislation

The main mission of the Faculty of Public Health is to build a new generation of health politicians and managers, with broad knowledge, strategic thinking and creative ideas. The health and safety of workers is a fundamental element of public health, a priority in the academic training of students, specialists, and doctoral students of the Health and Welfare Institute.

The updating and development of labor legislation, the exchange of good legislative practices and the realization of higher standards in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, protection of workers and guaranteed social security as the main mission of the International Labor Organization (ILO) is supported by the member countries. The development of an innovative global database Global database on occupational safety and healthlegislation (LEGOSH), with legislative documents, institutions and programs operating in individual countries and related to guaranteeing the rights, health and safety of workers, was joined by Sofia University, FOZ and the Department in OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE with participation in updating the database as of 2014, for which gratitude is expressed:–en/index.htm

 LEGOSH (Global database on occupational safety and health legislation) is the world's first source of information and a powerful tool for shaping, formulating and adopting modern occupational safety and health legislation, for conducting in-depth comparative studies and analyses, for creating strategies and seeking of expert help.

LEGOSH provides free access to official, credible information available to all stakeholders – legislators, politicians, labor organizations, workers, researchers, employers and the general public and is a practical visual tool that finds a place in the training and development of future health policy makers, managers and occupational physicians.

FOZ gives you easy access through the following links:





City of Sofia, "Bialo More" St. No. 8 "Tsaritsa Joanna" UMBAL - ISUL floor 5, 
phone 02 9432 127


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