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On November 14, 2016, the new portal of the pan-European mobility network EURAXESS was launched:

The new functionalities and tools that every registered user can use are:

  • “Partnering” tool: all registered users can now connect directly with both individuals and research organizations/companies and view resumes;
  • Funding proposals: Organizations (international and national) offering PhD scholarships, grant schemes, project/research funding competitions and/or mobility programs can publish their proposals on the portal;
  • Career Development Center search: addresses of career development centers whose free services can be used by scientists registered and not registered in the portal;
  • Courses and training aimed specifically at improving the career development opportunities of scientists and doctoral students;
  • Admissions-organizations: a database in which organizations publish information about open positions for visiting scholars and doctoral students.
  • Profiled information: the portal offers registered users, corresponding to their interests, opportunities for work and cooperation;
  • Wider target audience: in addition to academics and research organizations/universities, EURAXESS is now also aimed at business organizations;
  •  "Upload CV": in addition to filling in the EURAXESS CV form, registered users can now upload their CV in their preferred format;  
  • Improved "Search" (search) function: possibility to search according to user-defined criteria;
  •  "Science4Refugees": an initiative aimed at refugee scientists to follow the latest advances in their scientific field by connecting with European researchers, discussing scientific problems and learning together;
  • Responsive design: for any type of mobile device, laptop or desktop.

On EURAXESS, you can also find detailed information about labor and work conditions in Europe, visa regime, intellectual property rights, recognition of diplomas, etc., as well as contact details for the Contact Persons in all European countries that are part of the network.
The services EURAXESS provides are aimed both at current and future researchers and scientists from all fields, as well as at organizations working in the field of education, scientific research, innovation and technological development.
All EURAXESS services are completely free.




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